Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Editor Plans Historical Fiction Film on Gangland Slaying
from October of 1958

In Alfred Hitchcock's film PSYCHO, based on a true story written by Robert Bloch, the psycho, Norman Bates, kills his mother and assumes her wretched personality.

In Psycho 2019, our new film, based on the 1958 slaying of Arthur Deluca, the emotionally battered mother does the altruistic thing and slaughters her good for nothing son to help the community.   A former mayor who lives around the corner helps stuff the body into a 1957 Cadillac and he and the mother then push the vehicle into the Mystic River where it narrows; a small area in Malden a few miles from the Encore Casino.    

They blame a deranged individual for the murder and are then seen celebrating in the middle of the night in the dirt on the newly renovated Pleasant Street with the current mayor of Malden who falsely blamed husband killer Kelly Renee Gissendaner.  Actual footage of Gissendaner's public execution is used in the filme and you can hear the Malden mayor, who was friends with reprobates Jimmy DiPaola and Thomas Finneran, laughing that they all got away with it. The mayor's victim, Gissendaner, is "also currently the last known woman to be executed in the United States.[20] "

The mayor is off-camera in this celebration photo which
has some drunken harlot leading the depraved party:

    Gissendaner had converted to Christianity while in prison 
and made it her life's mission to convict the Malden mayor.
She dubbed the mayor Son of Christian because he was
so ungodly, and attempted to paint him as the rat who
betrayed DiPaola and Finneran.  The Malden mayor hides
behind his phalanx of male secretaries worried that he
will be implicated in the alleged murder and cover up of
a disgraced sheriff.


The director, yours truly, does his best Morgan Freeman by putting his hand over the left eye of the above photo, then the hand over the right eye at a class for new detectives to prove how mentally disturbed Deluca truly was.    Former Medford Detective Jay Jay MacLaine is forced to take the class by new Medford police chief Bucklee as Jay Jay was unable to determine how old a victim of a sex crime was, even though a first grader could figure it out.   Special cameo from a disgraced Medford city lawyer who wants to CORI check the first grader and, when the child refuses, the minor finds a lawsuit in his lunchbox...and his lollipop missing.    The city lawyer is accused of taking the lollipop from a baby - and stealing public access TV from the citizens who fund it, is fired and attempts to go back to his old gig of collecting bills for credit card companies in Somerville District Court.   He finds he is barred from the court as the head magistrate, Ballgame Freddy, was imprisoned for using his secretary to run a secret Republican corporation, and all the other clerks were put on probation for failing to put Deluca in the psych ward before he could be ditched in the back of the Cadillac.

The last scene in the movie is of the 2 wheel shopping cart hanging out of the trunk of the Cadillac as it slowly slips into the river.



They blame a deranged individual for the murder and are then seen celebrating in the middle of the night in the dirt on the newly renovated Pleasant Street with the current mayor of Malden who falsely blamed <a href="https://www.cnn.com/2013/05/15/us/gallery/female-death-row-inmates/index.html">husband killer</a> Kelly Renee Gissendaner.&nbsp; <a href="https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sxsrf=ACYBGNSYCSy_CBvsJGlhvb-dRP6DZipFgg%3A1568118215193&amp;source=hp&amp;biw=1792&amp;bih=860&amp;ei=x5V3XfqoCYba5gKr45bgAg&amp;q=women+on+death+row&amp;oq=women+on+death+row&amp;gs_l=img.3..0l5j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24l2.1650.4480..4705...0.0..0.68.1108.18......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......35i39.Bj3DSY7F26c&amp;ved=0ahUKEwi6qLjJn8bkAhUGrVkKHauxBSwQ4dUDCAU&amp;uact=5#imgrc=RYbRly4WcF7LWM:">Actual footage of Gissendaner's last moments are used in the film</a> and you can hear the Malden mayor, who was friends with reprobates Jimmy DiPaola and Thomas Finneran, laughing that they all got away with it.&nbsp;</b></span><span style="color: #4d4d4d; font-family: &quot;cnn&quot; , &quot;helvetica neue&quot; , &quot;helvetica&quot; , &quot;arial&quot; , &quot;utkal&quot; , sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">&nbsp;</span><br />
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Historical Notes:

The 1959 novel of which the film was based was loosely inspired by a true story that caught the attention of Bloch. The author accredited serial killer Ed Gein as the basis for Norman Bates. Gein lived less than fifty miles from Bloch's home in Wisconsin and the man shared similarities with Norman. Both Gein and Norman carried out their killings in rural areas. They also had oppressive mothers who they created shrines for, and they each wore women's clothes. Gein was eventually convicted of murdering two women and exhuming a number of bodies from graves. In 1968, Gein was found guilty but due to his mental state, he was put into a psychiatric institution.

Kelly Renee Gissendaner (March 8, 1968 – September 30, 2015) was an American woman who was executed by the U.S. state of Georgia. Gissendaner had been convicted of orchestrating the murder of her husband, Douglas Gissendaner (December 14, 1966 – February 7, 1997).[1][2] At the time of the murder, Gissendaner was 28 and her husband was 30. After her conviction, and until her execution, Gissendaner was the only woman on death row in Georgia.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly_Gissendaner