Mayor Burke is Much too VULGAR for this city
Hypocrite Mayor Stephanie Muccini-Burke, Lena must be so proud. Not._____________________________________________
Vulgar Mayor Burke and her dysfunctional family. Who are you going to believe? Attorney Deanna Devney or your own eyes?
From walking obscenity Brian S. Burke of "Futhermucker" fame at the Chevalier Theater on October 15, 2015,
Did Mark E. Rumley Inflict This Disgusting Behavior On His Own Son's Wedding? Rumley wants you to think that he's a decent, honorable man, with thugs and reprobates behaving like tenth grader's allegedly at his son's wedding.
to Mayor Burke laughing at Paul Donato grabbing Michael Marks balls on October 15, 2017, commemorating the anniversary of her allegedly drunk husband's "profanity in public," this disgusting mayor sets a poor example for Medford.
Burke sitting on her hands when Bob Penta got a standing ovation at City Hall