Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Courage of a Journalist vs the Cowardice of a Police Department - 27 Names and Cops are Running Scared - what did they do to us as a community?

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Why the 27 names matter.
A Joe Viglione Editorial.

Removing McGlynn's uncle from the board of directors of the Medford Housing Authority, removing the suspicious board of directors of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., exposing ex-councilor Robert A. Maiocco when his goal was to be council president - not a public servant to help you or me, took hard work, and came at great personal risk.

Bullying is central to the doctrine of the past two mayors.

Remember when Ed Finn bullied me - three days after a stalker from Malden was at my Medford home, all because I was social media for Muccini-Burke's opponent!

After I was verbally and physically assaulted the police threatened me with "witness intimidation" unless I dropped my case.

Protect and Serve or Bully and Intimidate.

What the dishonest police detective did was intimidate a witness: me.

Then they put in the newspaper a smear campaign from Marian Ryan's office, published in the Transcript - a company I worked for.

Totally malicious.

That's a small part of the horrific treatment I've faced at the hands of the Medford Police department for being a journalist.

They smeared me with lies, and they won't tell you the truth about themselves.

Michael Douglas in Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps "If you stop telling lies about me (Medford Police Department) I'll stop telling the truth about you."

Paraphrasing Mr. Douglas.

Now the police are not showing public trust, evidence that the citizens can put their faith in the police department.

They are running scared because one citizen got a public document demanding that the public be informed of what the public has a right to know.

What the police did or did not do wrong.

Factor in the cowardice from city government and the police department and you wonder if the mayor should just clean house and start fresh along with a new building.

Stephen Lebert was the rule, not the exception.
And that sucks for Medford.
Mayor Lungo-Koehn has to step up and clean house.



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