Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Gannett Takes Over Medford Transcript's New Investment Media (GateHouse) 1 hour ago

Time To Dump Nell!!!

New Media Investment Group and Gannett finalized their merger Tuesday, putting top executives in position to move ahead with plans they believe will transform the new company's local and national news brands, including USA TODAY, into a reinvented digital media powerhouse....

The new company's CEOs – Mike Reed, who will lead the overall public entity under the name Gannett Co., and Paul Bascobert, who will lead an operating company called Gannett Media Corp. – told USA TODAY in a joint interview that they have a compelling opportunity to reinvent the business and expand digital revenue. Both said the company will continue to focus on its journalistic mission.

Reinvent the business, boys!  Dump Nell!


Gannett, Now Largest U.S. Newspaper Chain, Targets ‘Inefficiencies’  - and the biggest inefficiency is Aunty Nell!   Give her the boot! And the pink slip to go with it!
