Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Fire TV3's Patrick Gordon - Medford Anti-Community Media

1,529,423 @ 11:45 pm

     Access TV Legend Joe Fortunato Endorses Good-For-Nothing
Patrick Gordon

Someone Must Have Slipped
Something into the Punch
at the Inauguration
Joe Photo Getting Punchy...


Oh, you can't take classes at TV3?

That's because Pat Gordon can't get off of his lazy ass to actually reach out to the community.

Mr. Gordon's Job Description
and his contract
will be subject of a new

In loony bird Stephanie Burke's
infinite wisdom (not)
aided and abetted by Free Speech Villain
Mark E. Rumley
you get the return of
Jason Natalia
or is it Dawn Marra?
Take your pick

Bad Manager after Bad Manager

President of MATV
George Manfra
told me:
They will never fix Medford
It was set up wrong to begin with

Well, Manfra stomping on free speech
in Malden is hardly a paragon of

And now Manfra's pal Gordon
is spitting on the 1st Amendment in

Who needs sleazy cable providers
and people cutting the cord
as the enemy when greedy
townies ruin access for the masses?

On one hand they fail to do their job,
the obligation to the community:

Proper outreach
Facilitation of Programming

on the other hand they
grab the dwindling P/E/G franchise fees
they are alotted
thinking of themselves first
the public last

It sucks
And it is how business is done in the world of access television

Which is why the endangered species is endangered by whack jobs like
Erica Jones in Somerville
(Such a loser!)

Melodie Wing in Winchester
(What a witch!  Hey, know any 
15 year old members
sexually harassed by Melodie's
pet poodle, the BC teacher?

We'll send you the document!)

Stalkers Welcome!

That dolt over at Melrose TV
stealing guests because he's too
stupid and ugly to get guests
on his own

And now Patrick Gordon
is lazy, disconnected
and continuing the ruination of
Medford Television

Joe Photo...
have another drink!

Gordon is Poison to Free Speech


We're going to look at Gordon's Contract
and then demand his removal

stay tuned