Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Police Dept, TV3 and the School System

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TITLE: Bear with me as we go down memory lane and then we'll get to how the school system, the MPD ( Medford Police Dept. ) and TV3 are all entangled with each other!

           When I graduated Arlington High in 1972 after one year at Arlington Catholic High with abusive nuns and a soon-to-be abusive student by the name of Michael J. McGlynn there was no chatter about a varsity coach allegedly having sex with a politician's daughter! There were no Jenna Tarabelsi-styled headlines of a staffer having sex with a 15 year old  who took pictures of her breasts - that stuff was left up to the priests at Arlington Catholic!   Sitting next to me at my sister's wedding good old Eugene O'Sullivan reprimanded me for reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, one of my inspirations as a writer.   Weddings bore the heck out of me so I brought me some reading material!  Turns out decades later if you want to get rid of a child molesting priest, pull out Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and watch the rapist priest flee!  See...the book works!   Works as easy as an "objection" to throw an ex city solicitor off of a witness stand; easier than Dorothy's bucket o' water on the wicked witch!

     And whether you believe in the religion or not, the book (said to have had 5 editors or so) displays how wonderful - and magical - her grasp of the language was - and within the pages of the book still is:  brilliant.

     OK, so the priest is having sex with under age boys and is upset with me for reading a book by a protestant church founder.  Wow.  I say protestant as that particular church is a Christian denomination not part of the Catholic establishment.
          "Don't read a Christian book but molest the altar boys" appeared to be O'Sullivan's business model.  A couple of decades later I dated a fellow (a real sweetheart, too bad he had a boyfriend because we got along well...oh it's not adultery...gay marriage wasn't a law yet!  And heck, we both went to the same school...)  who alleged he was molested by "Grape"  back in the day- another priest at St. Agnes.   I believe him because we ninth graders had one odd "sex ed" class and Grape was the priest asking us fifteen year olds to ask him questions about sex.  Fifty years later it's obvious he was the wolf in the hen house, the chicken hawk looking to see what young boys were interested in under the guise of sex education.   Harvey Weinstein has nothing on the Catholic priests of that era.

       I do recall my home room 9th grade teacher was young and was bestowed with certain gifts that made some of the fellows in our class view her with more "lust in their hearts" than Jimmy Carter could ever muster.   She would walk down the aisle "In the name of the Father and the Son..." and her breasts would swing to the right to the left as she would say the sign of the cross...just with the proper rhythm.  Ahhh, the days before cellphone videos. Can you imagine the page views on that!  When she wasn't in class the boys would imitate her  walking down the aisle repeating her and moving their chests right and life.   This is brought up because we don't recall any student/teacher liaisons.  If anything when the nuns got out of habit the rumors flew that the nuns were accompanying other nuns...but we've now digressed way off course, Superintendent Marice Edouard-Vincent, to five decades later and other issues plaguing the school system.  Well, after all, it is the era of teachers and students engaging in social media, so the burden is great with the new technology, probably hijacked from space alien abandoned aircraft...but we're really digressing now.
oH, this was the connection between the MPD, TV3 and the school system...best way to get out of this jam...three famous words...TO BE CONTINUED...
