Saturday, January 18, 2020

Reinventing Medford Two Articles on Rumley's Exit in the Medford Transcript

1,522,009 @ 6:06 pm

Rumley Reflects...
The Picture of Dorian Gray

Recently, I retired after 36 years in the City of Medford Law Department, including 19 as city solicitor. During the past few days, I have been deeply touched by the many kind words and sentiments expressed by so many with whom I have had the honor to serve. I am blessed to call all of them my friends and colleagues.   Transcipt's usual bullshit quoting the hypocrite when it comes to McGlynn cronies.

You should hear what the citizens REALLY think of an individual who, in my opinion, was a hypocrite, conflicted, stood in the way of Medford's progress, and was - quite simply - a not very nice human being.