Thursday, November 5, 2020

A Year Ago Today , Breanna Lungo Koehn Was Elected Mayor of Medford Let's Look Back at the First Year of Breanna in the Corner Office

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Today is the anniversary of the Medford Election of November 5, 2019 resulting in Breanna Lungo-Koehn replacing another former city councilor, Stephanie Muccini-Burke

              So how do you feel, Medford?

On October 1, 2019 Breanna as a councilor was made aware of the Cradock Bridge scandal on TV at the city council.  Clearly, she knew about the brewing scandal before the council meeting.

Breanna told Chief Buckley of the MPD that her constituents were afraid of the police.

This news organization (smile) uncovered the L'Italien Report, being studied every day this month.   We also reached out to Marian Ryan's office and obtained the Middlesex Disclosure list (a.k.a. The Brady list) ...and that showed that Medford has more untrustworthy officers than any other city or town in D.A. Marian Ryan's current archives.

Along with immature and inappropriate police officers the new mayor faced a more cohesive Our Revolution, Medford, Mobilize Medford and Medford United.   These rogue "agencies" hold themselves up to be open to all, but they are secret societies chock full of ego, skewed opinions and an "our way or the highway" attitude.

Which, of course, flies in the face of the Mayor's desire for Unity, Integrity, Community, Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows.

I defer to Lesley "Am I related to Al?" Gore:

Great song, actually, and the late Lesley Gore's secretary sent me good wishes from Lesley after my stellar review of her last original CD.  I think it's referenced in her biography somewhere › books
Trevor Tolliver · 2015
Joe Viglione of All Music Guide concurred, comparing Gore to “a good old friend you haven't seen in years suddenly showing ... Though Lesley's voice had become slightly coarse with age, raspy with the scratches and pops of a vintage vinyl ...

Again I digress, back to the mayor's anniversary...

But that being said, rather than give us unity, community, integrity Breanna IS offering Sunshine, Lollipops, Rainbows and Rose Colored Glasses.


So what's on the plate for Breanna in 2021?

Well, she's saddled with the unsufferable Richard F. Caraviello as her city council president.  Yes, the same individual Breanna's administration allegedly locked out of Bistro in W. Medford when the Guv came around for a quick free meal. (Well, we don't know if Gov Baker got a FREE meal, but we imagine that would be the case.)

(Hartnett; Baker is much too old for me...)
When you go out with me, don't put me on display

Well, Rick don't have to worry about Breanna putting him on display, not with all those photo ops and the new "council prez" making a spectacle of himself.   But therein lies the problem, doesn't it?
City Hall that can't get along with itself.

Breanna, if you can't get along with your own council (admittedly, it's McGlynn's hand-picked council for fallen' Stephanie) how the heck are you going to get along with the rest of us?


So here we are, one year on.  God I'm getting distracted playing all these Lesley Gore her, rest in peace, Lesley...

One year on from an election where Stephanie was shocked that she fell short. Well, thank this news site publishing the photo of a mayor acting in an inappropriate fashion allegedly giving the finger to the firefighters.

Medford residents, one year on, are saddened that after 32 years of tyranny under the disrespectful regimes that Mike had under McGlynn/Burke, we get no "clean sweep" of the DPW, the police department, and all those leftovers of Stephanie's including but not limited to Pat Gordon at TV3.

There ya have it, the Cliff Note's of Breanna's First Year as don't expect anything to change anytime soon.  We know what we got, now deal with it.

Breanna sings:

Sixty Thousand people don't own the mayor?


You have a responsibility to 60,000 people. Stop auditioning for Pollyanna and get to work!

Medford Sanskrit article:
Stephanie Goes Down for the Count, thanks to a surreptitious photo from the ex city consigliere's son's wedding, allegedly...

NOV 5, 2019 Medford Election

It's My Party

Nobody Knows where my Johnny Has Gone

But Judy left the same time...why was he holding her hand?...when he's supposed to be mine!!!!

Oh I know where my Johnny went, he gets out of my bed on a Saturday morning when we were supposed to go to Maine, and he went to his girlfriend's house.  Now NO ONE stands me up for Maine, so I simply called his OTHER girlfriend who had no clue she was being three-timed (she figured it out after my phone call..."She isn't the only one he's dating" I said, and she replied "I'm beginning to get the picture.") so SHE calls the other chick and they set up a sweet date for one of them at Kelly's on Revere Beach

A week or so later I get a phone call from my long-time friend with benefits (you see HE was dating Johnny originally and paired me up with Johnny so he could have both of us...oh, was the 80s...)

So my buddy calls and tells me the of the girls meets Johnny and his beautiful brand new Turquoise Subaru (which he bought from my business partner, but I digress...) at Kelly's Revere Beach and from out of nowhere the other appears...they start smashing his new car to F(is for friend) Buddy says "John had only two words watching them kick, scream and dismantle his car."

"What were they, pray tell?" I ask inquisitively.

"Joe Vig"

Hands clean, I get my revenge.  Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman, except when it is two "much too scorned" women doing the dirty work of one pissed off homo!*

I did NOT tell the gals to do ANYTHING. All I did was give Karen's phone number to Heather and let them do what women do!  Didn't ask them to do anything, didn't expect them to do anything except know that he was cheating on all of us!

Why DO people mess with me?  

Perhaps they like the challenge. 

Quote from notorious ex Medford resident from the 1980s "It's easy to get a chick in Boston, Joe's got all the good looking men!"    Indeed...where's my time much fun...on a planet long ago and far away...

Damn, where's the video cam when you need it?

Mr Byers always loved that story. Rest in peace, JB...

Johnny's car after the two chicks took it apart....