Thursday, September 7, 2023

Caraviello: the most invisible fat man on Earth, Has He Thrown the Election?

 on one hand, if the dysfunctional son of a bitch Richard F Caraviello ever became mayor, think of the fun this blog would have with the city careening off of a cliff by the guy who allegedly flipped a boat over.

but Medford just can't afford fatso and his stupidity  

Did you question if Trump had COVID? It's just in poor taste to focus on someone's health rather than the truth, which absolutely evades many of your colleagues. I've traveled around the sun 69 times and have received accolades as a writer, musician, TV host etc. I respectfully note a lot of scribbling on this page is out to lunch. This post is another exhibit I would bring to a judge and, as Trump lost hundreds of cases in his life, over 60 in his big lie, well, when you don't believe Trump-appointed judges when they slap him down, then the world you live in resembles the Matrix, not reality