Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Cowardly Medford Police in Hiding after Scandal - How Shameful. Public Trust Violated

1,414,234 @ 9:06 pm

Do you feel safe now, Medford resident?

When a police force is more vindictive than honest.

When authority figures demand respect but spit in your face with their dishonesty

How do you make a fair assessment come election day, November 5?

There's John Buckley saying what he wants you to hear, not saying what the public needs to hear.

Buckley tells you that everything is fine, repeats his mantra on the police website written before the scandal, saying these are all good men and women.

Then police misconduct happens and this novice police chief repeats his mantra, these are "all good men and women."

No, they are public servants held to a very low standard and holding the public to the highest of standards.

Of course when the police allow an alleged criminal like Ed Finn to slug a resident, a thug, a former city clerk with a complaint on his record from a citizen that Finn censored, wrongfully, and then attacked, then you had damn well better fear the Medford Police Department.

They want you full of fear, and they have a lying police chief telling you not to be afraid.

What?  You think you'll get some honesty from Buckley telling you to FEAR the police?

Of course Buckley HAS to lie...he can't be honest and say "Yes, the police are scary, and I promise to clean it up and fire every bad cop."

Buckley can't.

Buckley won't

You - dear citizen - are fucked!

*put the name Stephen Lebert in Google if you don't believe me