Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Grammar/Spelling - The Story More Important in an URGENT MATTER

1,414,331 @ 3:58 AM 
1,414,261 @ 10:15 pm
1,414,229 @ 8:57 pm
1,414,163 @ 6:42 pm
To: Officer Casey, Attorney Scanlon, Public Records Division -

I noticed some spelling and grammatical errors.  

My apologies.

I wanted the appeal out there quickly and efficiently.   Yahoo sometimes will evaporate the e mail
during edits and proof reading.   

It's a reason, not an excuse.  

Thank you for your prompt attention to this serious matter.

This is an election cycle.   

Based on information and belief it appears that Mayor Burke and Chief Buckley and the solicitor timed the release of this information perfectly and orchestrated
a near flawless media day.

And that is truly sick.

Maybe Chief Buckley and Mayor Burke can deceive the voters with this dog and pony show.

Maybe they can cheat the voters out of information prior to an election as surely as those twenty-seven alleged "officers of the law" were disciplined, but let's be very clear:

Looking at my ability to uncover the Teresa Walsh scandal (and break it before any other news organization,) Ex Council President Bob Maiocco's misconduct, Mayor McGlynn's "Uncle Gene" on the housing authority board (and Deval Patrick removing him thanks to my hard work and honest efforts,) removing Frank Pilleri from TV3 - which made residents happy, it takes courage to fight city hall.

The oath of office of Chief Buckley, Mayor Burke, Mark Rumley - and by extension - Officer Casey and Attorney Scanlon -  requires that the citizens be alerted to the facts of these case prior to the November 5 election.

Mayor Burke has hijacked the public access station that I worked so hard to make happen. 

City Hall denied my response to a request for proposals to operate the access station, though let's be real,
this sixty-five year old veteran of access TV spanning forty years, veteran of radio spanning 41 years,
is the most qualified person out of sixty thousand to be that public servant to actually SERVE the
public vis-a-vis P/E/G access and radio for the city.

City Hall is allergic to the First Amendment. We get that.

It is a violation of the oath of office of every city official who aids and abets Mrs. Burke's power grab
and deceptive practices during an election cycle.

I have published city hall's response on and my Facebook politics page.

I have published my appeal.

The citizens have a right to know.

Shame on Chief Buckley, Mark Rumley and Mayor Burke for putting the citizens through this.

What a selfish bunch, abusing our monies, abusing the city, abusing our access television.

We want answers


Joe Viglione  

8:57 pm
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