Thursday, October 10, 2019

October 25 Police Event Legal Determinants of Police Violence

1,414,573 @ 12:08 pm

1,414,561 @ 11:34 am

OCTOBER 25, 2019

Beyond Bad Apples: Exploring the Legal Determinants of Police Violence  Bring flyers about the Medford Police Department!

Legal scholars from around the country will gather to discuss the legal causes of police violence for this year's BU Law Review Conference.

The Annual BU Law Review ConferenceOctober 25, 2019Police use of excessive force has been a longstanding concern for communities of color. When scholars, politicians, and observers endeavor to identify the causes of racially disproportionate police violence, they often land on police officers’ individual biases or insufficient processes within police departments for responding to excessive uses of force by individual police officers.Certainly, there is substantial research to support the claim that discriminatory attitudes can shape offic
ers’ decision making. But the focus on “bad apples” and inadequate organizational responses to them often leaves law uninterrogated. Consequently, reform measures often focus on combating personal and departmental biases without fully acknowledging how the law puts police in the position to exert violence in communities of color with impunity.This conference uses the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Graham v. Connor—which shifted the constitutional discourse on what constitutes police excessive force to an “objectively reasonable” standard and cabined the inquiry to the Fourth Amendment—to extend the conversation on the causes of police violence in a manner that focuses on the law.For more information on this event, including conference schedules and speakers, visit