Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mayor Mike McGlynn Speaks out on the TV3 Disaster


"After this meeting, if it looks like the accounting is not conforming, we will take immediate action,” said McGlynn.
By Nicholas Iovino/niovino@wickedlocal.com
Posted May 30, 2013 @ 03:00 PM

we will take immediate action,” said McGlynn.
we will take immediate action,” said McGlynn.
we will take immediate action,” said McGlynn.

JUNE 27, 2013

Medford to withhold $39,000 payment from TV3, council votes to rescind contract

McGlynn responded a few pockets of the city have not been wired due to the cable companies’ failure to strike deals with private property owners to wire those areas.

The mayor said it appears TV3 did not perform its due diligence before the move and said he would have preferred someone from the station contact his office prior to moving.

“If they’re making a move, the first thing they should do is call and say ‘Hey, we’re looking to put a location here,’” said McGlynn. “I’ve worked hard over the years to get money to build two studios now, then having no voice in the process in terms of another relocation.”
For now, the mayor said the future of the city’s community access station remains uncertain.
“I’m going to appoint a member at the end of the week, have a full report as soon as they hold a meeting on what the vision is and what the future is for the operation,” said McGlynn. “I have to look at what my options are with a new contract with a cable provider and who the access [station] will be.”

Medford’s local access station, TV3, moved from its former 5 High St. location to its new 32 Riverside Ave. site., going off the air for three months. The move has sparked the City Council to vote to rescind the station’s contract and city to deny its $39,000 quarterly payment.


“We said the only reason you want to do this is you want to squelch our freedom to act as an autonomous corporation,” said Pilleri.

The TV3 board president added the elected body method that City Hall is pushing on the station runs contrary to recommendations put forth by the Alliance of Community Media, a national non-profit organization that promotes civic engagement through community media.

However, a representative from the Alliance said the organization has issued no specific guidelines on how community access stations should select their board members.

Read more: http://www.wickedlocal.com/medford/news/x1580220392/Medford-to-withhold-39-000-payment-from-TV3-council-votes-to-rescind-contract#ixzz2n4kpIzbr
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Public access cable television is usually heavy on civic duty: airings of candidate forums, school board meetings, and local pundit wannabes.

But in Medford, the city's cable station produced 13 films over the last several years starring board members. The films had names like "The Mob-a-Musical" and "Sunshine Away," a horror film in which a masked man with a switchblade attacks a bloody faced rival on a dirt road in the woods.

Not the usual snore-producing public access fare. But what about those forums? A report released yesterday said that the station, TV3 Medford, focused so much on producing its own films that the public was shut out. The station even failed to air some …
 .But even Covelle’s ally McGlynn said the federal audit had raised “significant and severe’’ concerns.“To say these issues need to be addressed is an understatement,’’ the mayor said.
But even Covelle’s ally McGlynn said the federal audit had raised “significant and severe’’ concerns.
“To say these issues need to be addressed is an understatement,’’ the mayor said.
- See more at: http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2012/04/24/medford_housing_authority_director_under_fire_for_allegedly_giving_jobs_to_friends_and_family/?page=3#sthash.awsNOwn1.dpuf
But even Covelle’s ally McGlynn said the federal audit had raised “significant and severe’’ concerns.
“To say these issues need to be addressed is an understatement,’’ the mayor said.
- See more at: http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2012/04/24/medford_housing_authority_director_under_fire_for_allegedly_giving_jobs_to_friends_and_family/?page=3#sthash.awsNOwn1.dpuf
When reached by phone Thursday, Medford Mayor Michael McGlynn said the city had never taken any involvement in the financial workings of the league. He didn't recall having ever met Stephen Komins, but Stanley Komins was a prominent figure in the city, McGlynn said.
"He was very well known around town," McGlynn said. "It's very surprising."


Mark Rumley, City Solicitor on Frank Pilleri's lack of honesty

“They knew it would be attended by a lot of people and it would limit the amount of people who supported TV3.”
Rumley, however, discounted Pilleri’s claims.
“That is absolute nonsense,” Rumley said. “In fact, that is a childish, nonsensical statement with no basis in fact.”

November 6, 2008