Thursday, December 12, 2013

The TV3 conspiracy to continually lie to the public, straight out of the Berne Madoff textbook

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11:39 AM, December 12, 2013

"Repeat a lie enough, people will believe it"
Ron DeLucia, self-appointed vice president of TV3 Medford offering his Karl Rove-styled battle plan to the City Council of Medford


Joann Crupi wants to illustrate how excellent her boss was at fibbing in order to further her defense that Madoff misled her just as he deceived thousands of the investors he scammed.

“It wasn’t just one lie to one person at one time,” Frisch said. "It was an intricate maintenance of millions of lies ... Dan believed Madoff, like so many others.”

When the alleged "secretary" for some alleged "financial company" can't spell simple words; when three board members of TV3 couldn't even drive an automobile, you understand that the alleged co-conspirators of Frank Pilleri's were not rocket scientists.

While one former board member stated that Pilleri was "masterful" at spinning and lying, another Medford cable subscriber - an elected official - said there was nothing masterful about Pilleri. Holding the Issuing Authority over a barrel isn't genius, it is just bullying of the guy in charge, the oversight. Plain and simple. That's how the lying and cheating at TV3 went on for decades, it is alleged.