Monday, July 13, 2015

Medford Politics, Ant Man and the fate of this city

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Thirty Three Thousand Dollars is unaccounted for from the now-defunct as a station, dissolving disgraced corporate entity, Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.

City Hall Medford isn't worried about your thirty three thousand dollars.

In a film like Ant Man, which I saw tonight in Boston, the good guy finds a way to make good things happen.

You know what that means? 

In a city rife with a phony clerk, a phony city solicitor and a phony baloney mayor, it means that if they can't find the thirty three grand, they are the bad guys.


Public records requests, hammering away at city hall's failure to bring Tv3 in to account for their intentional deceptions, failure to have meeting minutes, failure to be honest....we will keep pounding away at the infidels.

Something slimy is oozing out of McGlynn's office...and the clerk and solicitor with unclean hands are merely an indicator of the depth of the McGlynn malfeasance. 

noun: malfeasance
  1. wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
    Put McGlynn and Malfeasance in Google to find out more