Thursday, December 8, 2016

Evaluating Mrs Burke's Disastrous First Year

874,470@8:06 pm
874,459@7:46 pm

Imagine a fair and honest city solicitor instead of the untrustworthy, deceitful hack we've been stuck with.  Tra la la la lA/la la la la

Imagine a Chief of Police who doesn't coddle police misconduct. One with a zero tolerance policy for public servants who are tequired to protect the public and keep us safe

Medford Housing Authority,  tv3,  Cable TV Commission, Pay to Park, no public access, police protesting a charlatan mayor. The sins of McGrinn are tattooed on Muccini Burke's forehead

Boards and commissions rife with hacks, unqualified staffers, false charges on critics and a school committe and city council stocked with ass-kissing phonies

At least you always knew where the meat-cleaver wielding fraud stood when he was obstructing the council:  at hell's door with Lucifer egging him on

A city manipulated by that creep, the allegedly drunk husband, Rudolph the perpetually red-nosed reindeer. Take him to AA puhleeese evil Santa Paul

Is Paul too hammered to reply?

Oh, by the way, astronaut John  Glenn is dead at 95

They will probably blame me for that too

At least that is what Medford City Hall will allege

Deck the halls indeed

Greg Lake is dead

John Glenn. Keith Emerson. Greg Lake

Say gone