Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Chief Leo Sacco vs Malark E Rumley Part I

923,599 @ 11:12 am 

We are the Mad Magazine of Medford Politics

Rumley STORMS into 100 Main St (not IN TO but literally drives his car INTO) in this delusional parody to take things out of context again and give the Chief a piece of his mind.

Chief: What now, Malarkey

Mark:  You're reading the blog again? DO NOT call me Malarkey...I'm the City Solicitor - I WILL NOT BE DISRESPECTED!

Chief: Oh, I'm sorry, I'll call you Mark FULL of malarkey, that better?

Mark: We have to do something about that blog.

Chief: You got an Oedipus complex or something?

Mark: I'll sue you

Chief: Rumley's last words.   There are observations I would like to make without taking them out of context, but I won't because you will.

Mark: Will what?

Chief: Take them out of context, Bozo, you always do that to limit and squelch free speech.

Mark Rumley: Fuck free speech, this is about money, money, money, money, money.  And don't forget who pays you.

Chief: I'm the top cop in the city

Mark: and you call ME delusional?  Stephanie's the top cop in this town

Chief: Stephanie?  Stephanie?  And why the hell does he keep putting "allegedly" when he mentions the husband's drinking?    The puppeteer - McGlynn - is still in power.  Stephanie's busy with her mirror.

Mark: That was lewd, crude, disgusting

Chief: Oh, grow up. It was a parody. Everyone knows as much as Stephanie would love to make love to her mirror she's too busy kissing it and wiping that grotesque lipstick the ADA gave her off of it...that's why she's never at city hall.

Mark: Actually, she's afraid the mirror will break, that's why she only kisses it

Chief: Well, with all that weight she's gained

Mark Rumley: The burden of the city weighs upon her

Chief: You truly are delusional!  Free ride Stephanie has nothing better to do.  She could take Adam Knight to diction class, they can both take a public speaking course as well.  And you've got to stop with the flowery words, Mark Thesaurus.

Mark: It's pronounced like a dinosaur The SAUR us

Chief: It's pronounced The City Solicit-Whorus ...flowery words courtesy of your own very special City Solici-Thauraus-whoris!

Mark: That's Horace to you...WHEN is your last day chief?  I can't wait!

Chief: The day Camuso takes over, and boy will I ever be looking forward to a cup of coffee at Demet's and reading the blog. Having that butcher boy reprobate Chinese pizza parlor delivery man as the Public Safety Coordinator is a blessing for both Peter Koutoujian AND the readers of the Mad Magazine of Medford Politics

Mark Rumley: So you aren't going to ask Marian to press charges?

Chief:  Oh, Marian is busy busy busy trying to get him off of our radar...the problem is, she thinks he's funny too!