Monday, February 20, 2017

How to handle bullies, from lawyers to 501c3 fraud presidents

922,951 @ 11:34
922,906 @ 10:31 am

How to Handle Lawyers Threatening You - FUNNY and perfect for a "delusional blog"

THE APPROACH: After a busy day scaring people, when a monster enters your bedroom to scare you, you need to scare HIM. He should open the door, step inside, THEN you close the door, lock it, terrify the living xxxx out of him until the monster begs you to let him out.
A threatening attorney must be made to realize that his life is much better returned to intimidating average people. He should want nothing to do with you. You are the (George Bernard Shaw) who enjoys getting dirty. When your name is mentioned to him, it should trigger a recurring nightmare ...

*DISCLAIMER: we do not subscribe to this - we are presenting someone's point of view based on the First Amendment