Wednesday, November 8, 2017

McKillop did NOT HAVE that KILLER INSTINCT that you need to WIN AN ELECTION

David, coming close is not good enough.

YOU LET THE RESIDENTS DOWN with your novice "Mr. Nice Guy" routine.

In a boxing ring, as in politics, nice guys finish last, flattened, and down for the count.

Had this editor orchestrated Mr. McKillop's campaign he would be Mayor today.

But what do I know ??? -  the blog is on the verge of 1 million, one hundred thousand page views this morning - Mr. McKillop failed to have the killer instinct to slay the dragon.  So what was the point?  

More customers for his restaurant?

1,099,534 @ 8;03 am
Transcript article: “We made great strides,” he said. “My team worked incredibly hard. I sincerely want to wish Mayor Burke all the best. I hope that we can keep communication open and possibly share ideas.”  

Politics is a dirty game, David, and Mrs. Burke, though only edging you out with 23% of the low turnout, does not have a mandate, is still laughing in your face.   

The residents are the losers - again - and it is not fair.  

Stephanie is going to rip this city off.  Again.