Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Erica Jones at Somerville Media Center is a DISASTER and must be FIRED

1,197,375 @ 10:18 am 

Erica Jones - social butterfly (not social media) at Somerville Media Center to the editor, in front of E.D. Brian Zipp

"Everything's great (in Medford,) Everything's lovely.  You will have public access.  Ben Brown is there."

_____________________________HEY ERICA, YOU IDIOT, on April 13, 2018 Ben Brown quit, on Friday the 13th of this year.  

After this editor told the Medford City Council NOT to let Ben Brown screw with the government channel, the council didn't take my advice (so, what else is new?) and then when Brown abandoned them, the place was a fiasco.

we hear councilor Michael Marks at the 2nd meeting of the Cable Advisory Board said "Joe Vig was right."

Ya think, Mikey????

Cablecasts of the government channel look like some dubbed foreign movie thanks to Erica's hero, Benjamin Brown.

You can't make this stuff up.  These idiots endorse themselves.

Erica Jones is a lazy, nasty, thieving social media person who ripped off the newsletter that I created, put her own name on someone else's work, claiming that she is the Social Media Person for Somerville Media Center (she was jealous, plain and simple, attempting to protect her turf) BUT, she didn't have the password another woman created for the Twitter account for BFR


She wants to steal a newsletter someone else created and composed, but accepts no responsibility as "social media director" for the Twitter account.

Because the witch is LAZY!

She spends more time socializing with members with her loud, obnoxious voice while people are trying to edit, then she does HELPING people.

It is ALL ABOUT ERICA, it is ALL ABOUT HEATHER, it is ALL ABOUT FALLON, Thank God Isabella quit and went to Texas because she was another piece of work.

When Dave O. took over for Isabella things actually got done properly.


Membership must come first, not the needs of staff and board members who suffer from low self image and use the facility for their own self-esteem and obsessive need for attention.

Erica Jones flits around the station with a loud, obnoxious voice, looking for attention, chit chatting with members, but not getting a damn thing done.

One Sunday Brian Zipp, Executive Director, and yours truly, Joe Viglione, were the only two people at Aeronaut because Erica screwed up again.

She would have us promote the event, then decide to shut it down with only a few hours notice on a Sunday morning.

Unethical and Lazy, with a capital L, Erica ripped off a newsletter that this board member had worked on for SIX MONTHS, working to get the board of BFR to approve it.

Erica decided she would take my work and put her name on it. Pure plagiarism by the arrogant woman who seeks attention from anyone who will listen to her. And when people shut her off she raises her voice like some kind of bullhorn at a baseball game. Ugggh.

That is not the environment where you want your kids.