Friday, June 1, 2018

1,200,910 @ 6:54 am

Hello Attorneys Rumley and Scanlon,

I am pleased that the Cable Advisory Board did post on the city website   within 48 hours of the past meeting.  I re-post this information on my very popular Medford Information Central dot com, a registered business in the city of Medford (at the clerk's office) and on the Real Medford Mass Politics page to help spread the word on these meetings open to the public.

There are 47 views of the Facebook Live at 6:20 am June 1 on Real Medford Mass Politics  and 10 hits already on the YouTube posted later.

I would kindly request that the Cable Advisory Board also publish on the City Clerk's bulletin board.  Though the city website appears to be the designated alternate posting according to the link provided below, I would appreciate the board posting the meetings in the traditional areas that the public is aware of as well.  

The City Clerk's office knew nothing of the board meeting, sent me to Allie Fiske's office and Allie sent me back down to the clerk's office. 

I realize that the three individuals on the Cable Advisory Board are trying their hardest, yet aren't up to speed on Medford Access issues. For example, Richard F. Caraviello and myself both were in agreement that the library would be a good satellite site, and the city knows that for about a decade that this writer has championed the Chevalier as an additional satellite site.  There have been many meetings of both the school committee and city council where Joseph Viglione has offered that a van with cameras be part of our satellite access, to be parked at either the library or the Chevalier

In yet another bizarre twist - usually coming from the mouth of Jay Campbell, though this time it was Yvette Wilks, Ms. Wilks got all huffy and defensive that she and the board were floating the idea of a satellite station.  Just because Wilks and company are novices at being on a Cable Advisory Board (with a traditional function of advising cities and towns on the contract negotiations with the cable TV providers, not acting as the city's version of a 501c3 board of directors) we again have the issuing authority mixing apples and oranges, and putting in place people whose egos are so tender that they jump out at the public if their Muccini-Burke appointed authority is perceived as challenged.

As I'm a bit older than the entire panel, having started in access in 1979, one of my original show producers (and roommate in 1979) now the  (a big shot in Hollywood) ho hum, and that I have produced and directed a 2 1/2 hour documentary in worldwide release of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame artist Marty Balin (Music Video Distributors) - I understand the younger crowd tends to get jealous, but - c'mon - we are all working to improve the situation at Medford public access which, sadly, as hard as Mark E. Rumley has tried, he has fumbled notoriously becoming as big a part of the problem as the MCC TV3 board that he once sat on.

From ridiculous CORI checks (which Yvette Wilks thinks now is a great idea because students will be mixing with the public...Ms. Wilks displaying on tape her failure to understand the law which requires CORI checks (on people in  a facility ) with  UNSUPERVISED children, to Mark Rumley failing to CORI check people renting the high school while putting that stumbling block in in a transparent attempt to censor Medford residents from using the facility (as well as Mr. Rumley's failure to have enough board members at the December 2008 MCC TV3 meeting where I personally warned him, on advice of a friend of one of the board members, that Frank Pilleri and crew would deep six the city election for access TV scheduled for January 2009; Mr. Rumley's failure to properly ascertain what is allowed at the library and what is not, and other missteps that harmed access but certainly pleased his bosses, Mayor McGlynn and now Mayor Muccini-Burke) --- well, as the president of one station near Medford said to me years ago, reiterating it recently, he doesn't believe Medford will ever get its act together.

Yvette Wilks sits on the board of Somerville TV where they recently put a block on open alcohol at the studio, thanks to my complaint on a board member who flagrantly and repeatedly put open alcohol in an editing bay near the computers; or another board member talking about having sex with Mayor Joseph Curtatone in a facility where little children have their parents pony up $200.00 per child so that a station manager with a mouth of a construction worker "teaches" the kids, yet goes on the air allegedly uttering vulgarities that would make Roseann Barr blush with envy.

Ms. Wilks asked me to supply the Cable Advisory Board with the one page indemnification agreement from Malden, which I did (why the heck didn't she just present Somerville's similar 2 pager so that Mr. Rumley could see the error of his ways) - yet this board wants to discuss the CORI check with Mr. Rumley "in a month or two" according to last night's meeting.

The Cable Advisory Board:

1)Is still learning the ropes
2)doesn't know Medford's history with access
3)gets huffy and defensive because an Yvette Wilks doesn't know that history and claims that the advisory board initiated the idea of a satellite station - oh my God, she was so outraged last night like Somerville Media's social butterfly posing as a social media director, Erica Jones, losing a Twitter password but stealing (complete theft of a man's work) plagiarizing a newsletter composed by a board member of the radio station...

I get it, while true producers are creating content and helping others, as I have for years, other people need their egos stroked, as Jay Campbell and Yvette Wilks certainly have given proof of.  This comes down to a clueless mayor not knowing if Teresa Walsh should be her Chief of Staff (my publication broke THAT story, not only to the Medford Transcript who published two hours after me, but to a stunned mayor's staff who didn't know their boss was gone until I called city hall and informed them.)   Mayor Burke hires Ben Brown, a total disaster of a station manager who couldn't control feedback at the high school (I had to personally teach him by standing a foot or so away from the hot microphone; Ben sobbing that he couldn't get back to the control room at the school to fix Jason Salzarulo, hired by TV3, allegedly left a room sobbing because he couldn't put a tripod together) so the keystone cops continues with Yvette getting defensive, golly gee shucks this is so exciting Jay Campbell praising the inept and bungling Ben Brown last night...clueless, absolutely clueless, and we get unnecessary CORI CHECKS and ridiculous 3-4 page indemnification agreements, and Steve Bertorelli from the terrorist organization TV3, when God knows in all this time I would have 300 members at the TV station at this point (a nightmare thought for Mayor Burke) and even Frank Pilleri endorsed me at the first meeting of the Advisory Board because Pilleri, of all people, was terrified of this producer being station manager because Pilleri KNOWS I can bring in tons of Medford area producers, one coincidentally bumping into me last night in front of city hall after the meeting.  

What a travesty.  You have lots of talent in Medford with producers telling me that they do not want to work with this crew.  Jay Campbell is a buffoon, plain and simple, who a)wants to do a real estate show "possibly" he tells me, shades of the ugly Money Managers coming back to haunt access TV, b)is so desperate he looks at Steve Bertorelli as a plus when that scarecrow is as much a minus as Dr. Rabies/Art Deluca, frightening residents by reminding them of the nasty TV3, and Mr. Bertorelli and Mr. Deluca were quite nasty back in the day, and this is your public access? Scaring away legitimate producers and bringing back the ghosts of Pilleri to haunt the TV station.

This letter contains more information that the clueless new tribunal knows nothing about.  Well, Yvette, award yourself board member of the year, like the Somerville board member became "Producer of the Month" despite city hall getting a complaint of sexual harassment on him. It's sick and disgusting is what it is.   Harvey Weinstein over at Somerville Media Center on a board with Yvette, Yvette getting all defensive that this bungling cable board thought of the "satellite station" (no, Yvette, my arch enemy Rick Caraviello and I both came up with separate ideas for that years ago) ho hum, more huge egos getting in the way of access TV, and an issuing authority with a husband with a dirty mouth trying to stop me from recording an authorized back-up video of the "great debate" in 2015

What a waste of time.  Medford doesn't want access, and Jay Campbell and Yvette Wilks can't walk through the door at the same time as their inflated egos block simultaneous entry.  Sheesh, they are so busy kissing Muccini-Burke's ass that Mayor Curtatone won't need his chastity belt when that lecherous old Somerville board member tries to grab his...backside that is.

Grow up.  This tribunal is hurting access TV.  At least Reverend Chip, Allison and Fred (indulging in Jay Campbell first names now) gave it a good old college try...this crew is off the cliff with arrogance, failure to perform, and egos the size of the Spring Step building

Good day

Joe V

Will posting meeting notices on the municipal website fulfill the meeting notice requirements of the Open Meeting Law?
Yes, provided that website is the designated alternate posting method for the municipality and the meeting notice satisfies all the other requirements of the Open Meeting Law: 1) it is posted at least 48 hours in advance of the public meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays; 2) it is displayed in a legible, easily understandable format; 3) it contains the date, time and place of the meeting; 4) it lists the topics that the Chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting with sufficient specificity to advise the public of the issues the public body will discuss; and 5) the date and time that the notice was posted is conspicuously recorded on the notice.