Saturday, June 23, 2018

DHCD. Commonwealth of Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Charles D. Baker, Governor  Karyn E. Polito, Lt. Governor  Jennifer D. Maddox, Acting Undersecretary


Public Housing Notice 2018-09

To: All Local Housing Authorities

From: Amy Stitely, Associate Director, Division of Public Housing

Date: April 10, 2018

RE: Management Services Agreement Guidelines and Templates 

1. Purpose This Public Housing Notice (PHN) provides guidance for Local Housing Authorities (LHAs) seeking to enter into a services agreement where another LHA takes responsibility for managing its day-to-day operations. 

This PHN includes:  

DHCD policy on Management Services Agreement fees and salary from fees;  

Three (3) Management Services Agreement templates and work plan outlines;  

Recommended practices for LHAs to follow prior to entering into an agreement; and  

DHCD’s approval process and expectations during the term of the agreement. 2. What is a Management Services Agreement? A Management Services Agreement (“Agreement”) as used in this Public Housing Notice is a contract between two (2) Local Housing Authorities (LHAs), or between an LHA and a consultant, as approved by DHCD, in which the contractor (the “Management Agent”) performs all day-to-day operations for the LHA seeking management services (the “Owner”). This includes, but is not limited to, the planning, coordinating and carrying out all responsibilities of the Owner’s operations, such as the administration of programs and maintenance of the Owner’s properties. The Management Agent is responsible for the assignment, direction and supervision of the Owner’s existing staff (if any) and/or its own staff in performing these services.