Saturday, June 30, 2018

Killing the Messenger - Medford City Clerk??? at the Capital Gazette Would've Physically Assaulted them

1,213,415 @ 9:19 pm


At the Capital Gazette, the Death of a Reporter’s Reporter = writing stories about felonious conduct by a city clerk is dangerous business!  Even when the blog is registered AS a business in the clerk's office of Medford city Hall

By Laura Lippman
Ms. Lippman worked with Rob Hiaasen at The Baltimore Sun.

Rob Hiaasen, who was killed at work at The Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Md., on Thursday along with four of his colleagues, was a member of the first camp. I know that because we worked together for almost 10 years in The Baltimore Sun features department, where we were definitely Team Random, Team Quotidian.