Tuesday, July 10, 2018

What Does Caraviello Have in Common with Automotive Services of Boston ???

1,217,214 @ 12:30 am 

What does the fraudulent City Council President of Medford, Rick Caraviello, have in common with Automotive Services?

`1)They are both Well-Known Medford SOB's !

2)They are both burnt-out and useless!

3)One lies about moonlighting in a court of law and drives a limo...the other melts limos like a grilled cheese sandwich!

4)When Rick visits Demets Donuts the police crack jokes about him and the room empties...at Automotive Services these days, the rooms are as empty as Alden Chambers with the slurred speech of Caraviello playing to no audience...

5)The burnt-out company is behind a fence, the council president lied to the police and should be behind prison bars!

6)They both look like a boarded up picture of the broad side of a barn.  You think that's Automotive Services in the photo above?  That's Caraviello's backside!

7)These Two Photos Should Be Enough for Muccini-Burke to beg Trump for