Friday, October 5, 2018

D'Antonio Comments on Green Line Extension

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Anthony D'Antonio The mayor and the city's administration continues to be all smoke and mirrors! 

The mayor is clueless and unsympathetic, especially to the residents of South Medford. 

Medford is truly a study in dysfunctionality and incompetence. 

The mayor's letters to the DOT, etc. were nothing but a smoke screen. Who the hell is running the asylum??!! 

Besides the bridge closure, the GAS problem on Harvard Street, the heavy and oversized trucks on our side streets (not the trucker's fault) the wild west traffic rocketing thru our neighborhood,the broken sidewalks, the disgusting overgrowth of weeds on the sidewalks, the trash on them as well, the inundation of rooming houses, overcrowded apartments, a useless contracted parking enforcement contract, the poor excuses called streets, the dangerous intersection leaving students attending the Columbus School and the traffic supervisors unprotected, the planned clusterflock of the Tufts Park, Main and Medford Streets traffic rerouting project, etc, etc, etc, etc,....what the hell is this administration doing to correct and resolve these issues? 

For Christ's sake, we have a freaking pedestrian light at Main and South streets that hasn't worked in 40 years and you would think that after the Craddock Bridge boondoggle a working traffic light would have found its way into the 3 million dollar, 3 year project!! 

The citizens in Medford continue to pay...for what??