Monday, December 24, 2018

Were there more than Three Kings?

1,293,431 @ 11:28 am 12-24-18

 How many Kings / Magi / Wise men?

  • The Biblical source of the story of the wise men is the gospel of Matthew - Matthew doesn't say how many there were, he just says they brought three gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh
  • St Jacob refers to 12 kings
  • Michael the Syrian (St Michael the Great) names 11 kings: Dahdandur, son of Artaban; Shuf, son of Gudfar; Arshak, son of Mahduq; Zarwand, son of Warwadud; Aryo, son of Kasro; Artahshasht, son of Hamit; Ashtanbuzan, son of Shishron; Mahduq, son of Hoham; Ahshiresh, son of Sahban; Sardanh, son of Baldan; Marduk, son of Bel
  • Melchior, Balthasar and Caspar belong to a different tradition
  • All of the stories are thought likely to be legends

Once upon a time there was a flourishing Christian civilisation here. The landscape boasts hundreds of monasteries and churches - many now in ruins, many surmounted by mosques.