Sunday, March 3, 2019


1,318,737  @ 12:13 pm

Lungo-Koehn has the luxury of advice from Penta and McKillop and Michael Marks. She also has the luxury of seeing what mistakes Muccini-Burke made in her battles with Penta and McKillop: that Stephanie Burke is inarticulate, doesn't have a forceful voice in debates, doesn't have her facts together in debates. Muccini-Burke is NOT going to want to debate Breanna Lungo-Koehn - her courtroom experience bests Muccini-Burke's accounting skills. 

And Breanna has to hammer Burke on those accounting skills, and the lack of accountability here - why we have "inside audits" (audits allegedly by one accounting firm extra friendly with city hall)  that the public can't get a handle on. Why we don't have outside auditors checking the books. THE BOOKS ARE THE KEY POINT THAT CAN BRING DOWN MRS. BURKE. 

Breanna also knows where the bodies are buried. Muccini-Burke is so very vulnerable - the problem is that her opponents have been playing nicey nice when they have to take the gloves off. Penta learned that the hard way, McKillop still doesn't get it from my interaction with both of those candidates. What McGlynn and Muccinni-Burke did was intimidate. Intimidation tactics. 

They knew I was helping Bob Penta so they attacked me with Ed Finn and with a stalker who was so vicious that I have a 4 year order of protection against her. The attacks happened within 3 days of each other in June of 2015 - Finn and the Stalker ganging up on me in the same week with Finn and his wife allegedly telling Robert Cappucci (@ Stop & Shop, the new Target) at the end of that week "Penta's going to lose the election." 

How can an honest city clerk predict that one of the two candidates is going to lose in June? Easy, just look at the North Carolina election where the fix was in. Muccini-Burke stole the election and it took people a year to tell me "Joe, you were right." 

Well, duh. In July of 2015 I wrote to the FBI to inform them that the election would be stolen. So you are right, xxxxxxxxxxxx  it is outside interests funding Muccini-Burke, and this journalist's wild guess is that Michael Sullivan, clerk of courts, who employs her husband Brian S. Burke, is a big part of the puzzle. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right. 

"Michael A. Sullivan is the Clerk of Courts for Middlesex County, Massachusetts, and served two terms as mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts" 

The new reality is that Mike McGlynn allegedly is controlling Curtatone in Somerville and Christenson (former Sheriff DiPaola operative) in Malden. Mike and his older brother Jack McGlynn are allegedly influencing many things in these three communities, allegedly. 

They let Stephanie Burke go on her alleged shopping sprees, but they are all the "Star Chamber," the men behind the curtain. Taking them on is taking on a powerful crew with their tentacles reaching out across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

No one sees this stuff. Ask any of your friends who the mayor of Cambridge is? Who the mayor of Worcester is? Who the 47 mayors in Massachusetts are? Most people don't even know there are 47 mayors, nor do they know the difference between a selectman or an alderman and how each community is constructed or even what a friggin' charter is and does. 

These mayors and selectmen fly under the radar and the people who they aren't serving haven't a clue why things are as bad as they are.

Breanna has to understand ALL of this, take of the gloves, jump into the ring, and beat the heck out of her opponent. It takes guts, it takes courage, and you can't do it playing nice. 

It's a friggin war, take out the political hand grenades and nukes and the last woman standing will be mayor.