Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Can Lungo-Koehn Beat the McGlynn/Burke Machine????

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It's like a court case:

Atty Breanna Lungo-Koehn 


Michael J. McGlynn, 

Stephanie Muccini-Burke, CPA, et. al.

et. al.

Richard F. Caraviello
Caraviello's life is one big, fat audition for a remake of Dumb and Dumber, Mr. Ton Ton

Only Caraviello would have a pudgy lap dog named Ton Ton

Glinda, the Good Witch asketh: "Ton Ton Too?"

Madame Knight
Falling like a rock, and Muccini-Burke is in no mood to catch him Nicole Morell!

And you think Kevin Spacey has troubles with rape lawsuits!   Maybe MATV should hire Scarpelli to chaperone the kids...that would be a stalker's dream come true!  Jenna Tarabelsi could babysit the kids and the stalker could put a meat cleaver over mommy and daddy's photos...With George Scarpelli who needs ex police chief Sacco to not do his job?


Dishonorable Reprobate: Con Rox...
The E.D. doing a good con job on the city of Malden.