Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Mrs Burke - A Middle Finger Sense of Outrage

Unladylike Mayor Taking What She Can from Citizens, just like the Mayor Before Her.

Mayor McGlynn has two daughters working at a Medford school, named after his father.

Ex police chief Sacco has a son working in the Medford Police Department, another son at the MBTA.

McGlynn's brother-in-law, Jonathan R. Davis, was pretty much running the MBTA.

McGlynn's older brother, Jack, was a lobbyist for the MBTA until Governor Deval Patrick bounced him.  This was before Deval bounced McGlynn's uncle Gene McGillicuddy from the Medford Housing Authority.

Keeping score?

Now Muccini-Burke wants her son to be a firefighter.    One of the Burke sons was a coach simultaneous with the now exiled varsity coach.  

There's incestuous and then there's Medford, Officer Lebert.

Readers ask: "Which Lebert?"

To which I reply:  EXACTLY! 

So the Firefighters of Medford have endorsed Breanna Lungo-Koehn?

Maybe Mark Rumley will threaten to sue them for insubordination?

Stranger things have happened...