Monday, January 13, 2020

On Phone with the AG's Office Right Now 3:44 pm

1,519,152 @ 3:47 pm 

4:01 pm - on hold for the General Counsel's Office
They handle Records Requests.

3 e mails
4 phone calls or more.

TV 3 will NOT get away with it.  McGlynn's out
Justice will be served AND

The New Mayor is apprised of this.

Bringing Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.
to justice for their unacceptable, unethical, immoral destruction of free speech in Medford.

Shame on the crooked Medford Police Department that enabled the alleged malfeasance.


I Want those Documents TODAY

The woman answering the phone doesn't seem to have it together...3:45 pm

6:12 minutes 3:48 pm unbelievable.

Truly, we've been waiting FIVE YEARS PLUS since I shut  the damn station down in October of 2013.  

This is NOT rocket science...these are PUBLIC DOCUMENTS that a public charity in Medford failed to give to the citizens who paid the freight.

Those cheats cheated us, and this information belongs to the public.

Arthur Deluca and his gang will not get away with what Judge Jackson-Thompson alleged was MALFEASANCE

Office of the Attorney General, Non-Profit Organizations/Public Charities Division. One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108 ... Phone. (617) 727-2200, ext. 2101

3:47 pm 1-13-2020

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