Thursday, October 10, 2019

Buckley, Burke Unfair to the Good Police Officers

1,414,478 @ 8:55 am
1,414,331 @ 3:58 am 
1,414,234 @ 9:06 pm
Violating The Trust of Good, Honest Cops

     A police chief, and a mayor, need the trust of the people as well as the trust of the good members of the police force.

    The good officers, the honest cops, they are now tainted and have to deal with suspicious rumors because the public can't trust their chief.

    And neither can they.


This writer had the stones to report Ed Finn.

So the Medford police went after the victim instead of a violent, psycho city clerk.

Read this story:
A seventh grader was punished for questioning a teacher’s conduct. Now he’s accused of rape.

In what world does a school not only ignore concerns about inappropriate behavior by a teacher but even suspend the student who raised them?

That would be Concord, N.H., where the consequences are still unfolding five years later, with the teacher accused of rape, the superintendent and principal placed on leave, and the whistle-blower, Ana Goble, being honored at Thurday night’s annual fund-raiser for the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence.

“What she did is something that many adults struggle with every day,” said the coalition’s director of public affairs. “If the adults in her life listened to her concerns, there very well could have been a different outcome in this case.”

Suffice it to say, no one had listened to Goble.

Read the full story.