Thursday, October 10, 2019

Honest Officers Tainted Protecting Disciplined Guilty of Police Misconduct

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e mailed to the offensive Mrs. Burke, Mr. Buckley, Mr. Rumley

Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019, 9:48:47 AM EDT

Subject: Honest Officers of the Law Tainted by Protecting Disciplined Guilty Parties for Police Misconduct

Police Chief Jack D. Buckley
100 Main Street
Medford, MA 02155


An essay by rock journalist Joe Viglione

    The Medford Transcript headline screams "police misconduct" and the exonerated cops cannot be separated from those who allegedly violated their oath and cheated the citizens who pay their salaries.

     Chief Buckley throws the baby out with the bathwater. For the good, honest cops, their chief has tainted them with suspicious rumors by not coming clean on the 27 disciplined officers of the law (now there's an oxymoron,) and the three names left in limbo.  We need to know who these thirty individuals are and what they did to make an educated vote during a critical election cycle.

     If the three cops were not disciplined and were not exonerated, then where do they stand?

     Forty Five officers of the law investigated, out of 112 on the force. Sixty seven not under investigation.  This is a massive scandal with election time rolling around.

     In the homosexual community the joke is when you want to tweak someone: "He (or she) is the kind that gives us a bad name."   A bad name in serving and protecting strikes fear in the hearts of the citizens counting on protection. Hot air from the police chief "These are good men and women" when it is lifted off of his own bio on the Medford police website is a mere talking point and fools no one.   Dello Russo and Knight on the city council repeating the other talking point: This is a personnel matter" - well, as that late child molester who was on TV3 instead of the residents of Medford would say "Consider the source."
       Breanna Lungo-Koehn, mayoral candidate, is right. People are afraid (read "suspicious") of the police.   And there's her opponent, untrustworthy Stephanie Muccini-Burke with her glass-on-chalkboard voice saying that they need the "public trust," trust that Burke's creepy shenanigans have not earned her.

     The good cops are broad-brushed with the bad apples by their chief who has violated THEIR trust. The trust of the men and women HE is supposed to serve and protect.

    Where is Harry MacGilvray on this?  This isn't about a phony arrest of Hillary Clinton during Halloween.  This is about possibly arresting the Chief of Police during Halloween, prior to an election.  Your good men and women, Harry, are thrown under the bus by the puppet police chief who answers to the puppet mayor whose strings are pulled by a former mayor that the FBI allegedly ousted before he could have his own two more years (totaling 30) of alleged corruption.

     This isn't about your hatred of a reporter, Chief Buckley, who has been smeared by a police department under a corrupt chief named Leo A. Sacco Jr. who simultaneously tells a reporter under his not-so-veiled threat "You get the police service you deserve" while his own son is endangering the public to the point where Joe Sacco, the MBTA cop, got his truck and gun and keys (all dangerous weapons in the hands of an alleged drunk) removed and a ride home by a "family member" (Daddy dearest?) according to Channel 5 news.  And Sacco threatens the reporter for regurgitating the ugly Channel 5 report for citizens watching the government channel, an episode in Sacco's sorry history that makes the citizens funding him want to regurgitate.

     The good men and women on the police force - the TRUE honest men and women, should not be treated the way that I've been treated by the police.  But I guess we're all in this together. A whistleblower is not without honor except in his own country, Jesus being paraphrased

Mark 6:4 A prophet is not without honor except in his own town,

But there's an equally telling bit of scripture that applies to this case:
Matthew 3:12 His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire."
      Baby out with the bathwater?  Chief Buckley has done far worse, he has forgotten the "winnowing fork" and thrown both the wheat and the chaff into the unquenchable fire.

      The good officers of the law are now thrown into the fire, tainted, with the bad cops. Chief Buckley calls the police misconduct "good men and women."  Chief Buckley admits the public trust has been violated and in Trumpian fashion wants to lie to the public so that Mayor Burke can cheat her way through another election.

Isaiah  11:3   And its ears declare heavy, And its eyes declare
dazzled, Lest it see with its eyes, And with its ears hear  

   Oh we can delight ourselves in the fear of the Lord, but there's NO REASON whatsoever to find delight in having a police force that the citizens of Medford are terrified of.

     In Medford, when you do the right thing, you can fear city government and the police and rest assured they will give innocent people a bad name to protect their power centers.

This three ring circus is appalling.

     This writer puts it on public record in faith that additional reporters will join in on the crusade and disinfectant a dirty police force, as dirty as the caked filth and rats purportedly walled up inside the old building at 100 Main Street.

     Do the math, people.   They never repaired or kept up the old building until they ran it into the ground. That same bad behavior shows a pattern...that some of the cops dating back to Gerry Clemente and Thomas K. Doherty and the Depositors Trust bank robbery are every bit as unclean as the police station that housed them on Main Street.

      Putting dirty cops into a clean new building is illogical.  It won't alter their violations of their oath of office.

Mark 2:22 .. into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled,
and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles. ...

      Ugly Chief Buckley is secretly shielding the bad cops pushing them into the new bottle, the new police station, where the bad apples can infect the good men and women of the Medford Police Force, the baby Buckley has thrown out with the bathwater.

Welcome to Election 2019 - the city of Medford is pure organized crime.  Don John Gotti is smiling somewhere in hell at the bad actions of Paul Covino, Mark Rumley, Mayor Burke and Chief Buckley

to be continued

Rock Journalist Joe Viglione