Monday, November 25, 2013

BOOK REVIEW: The Old Broad is a Big Fraud


The Broad is a Fraud
How to avoid financial adviser scammers in the age of the internet

By Marie Callahan-Deluca-Hayes, III

For $39.95 you can go to Harvey Pizzotti's seminars...that is if you are deaf, dumb and blind and allowing the old pickpocket who wrecked - and profited from - a non-profit in Medford to stick his filthy fingers (associated but not to be confused with frankie fingers) from your great, great grandpappy's wallet.

Mrs. Fraudberg, as she is known to law enforcement, is a big old windbag looking for attention on internet sites that serve a community that threw her out on her big old backside...

So now she lurks around the Revere Cinema and that strip joint next to Stop & Shop Revere looking for unsuspecting victims to pay her allegedly deaf husband $39.95 to hear him say..."What?  W HAT?   W H A T ????"