Friday, November 29, 2013

Victims of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. seek justice

Medford City Hall

WHEN: TUESDAY December 3  7 PM

WHAT: Doria Alberg's fraudulent activities exposed

WHY: Because Harvey Alberg stole the resources of a non-profit for his own personal gain, with his hideous wife stalking Medford residents

WHO: There is no "Who", Doria Alberg is so pug ugly she is filed under "WHAT?"

attention: Bill GIlman - Doria Alberg again plagiarizing a blog she doesn't own. The woman is psychotic and dangerous. If you encountered her using her huge body to block a door at City Hall until the police came (wrongful imprisonment of private people by an overweight woman) you would understand. Why is she so defensive thinking she's the "Malden woman" referenced on the blog? There are two other Medford refugees over at that Malden apartment complex. 
Just because you and your husband are disgraced in Medford with Alberg Financial and the failure to comply with a contract made with the city is no reason for you to lash out at people. Doria Alberg lies about many Medford citizens, she phones your place of business, and if you put your monies into her hands, God help you.