Wednesday, November 13, 2013

FINANCIAL RECORDS OF TV3, just got off the phone with government oversight on this matter

Dear Councilor:

Comcast and Verizon are CC'd in this e mail to put them on notice that City Hall has failed to respond to a request for financial documents regarding monies paid to Comcast and Verizon by Cable TV subscribers.  Formal requests will be written to the cable providers to intercede on behalf of their customers, Third Party Beneficiaries to the contracts the City holds with them, and that the recent election was tainted by the city DENYING the residents public access while the City Solicitor feigns ignorance regarding documents the public has a right to inspect.

I kindly request that you tell the City Solicitor that the documents from Century Bank - and possibly Brookline Bank (where I believe MCC also has or had an account) be delivered to me immediately.  IF Solicitor Rumley is not in possession of those documents, now city property, he is being negligent.  The job of the solicitor is to legally protect the community.  He's the lawyer, not me.  So why am I doing his job for him?  And paying the city $25.00 when we've all paid too high a price for a service that CITY is OBLIGATED to give us, but refuses to give us because the Mayor - McGlynn - does not want the public utilizing a free speech platform.

I kindly request the council put pressure on the Mayor's office and on the City Solicitor to get those documents I have already paid for and deliver them to me, as required by law. 

This "Mickey the Dunce" act by Solicitor Rumley has worn thin and is unbecoming of a long-time city solicitor.  It's a damn disgrace is what it is.  I am copying this e mail to government oversight in Boston and filing a formal complaint on Mr. Rumley for ducking his responsibilities when it comes to valuable public records requests time after time after time.   This nonsense has gone on for 11 years or more and it is time we citizens draw the line in the sand and tell these public servants that they are being paid to work for us, not the other way around.

The revelation last night that MCC utilized the Century Bank prior to the Dissolution of the corporation, and City Hall's failure to provide me those documents after an official public records request, is troubling.

The Feb. 10, 2008 "Rumley Report" may also note Brookline Bank as another bank Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. utilized.  The question is: how many banks did MCC TV3 use, and where is the money?

Now that Solicitor Rumley knows which bank, he has an obligation to the citizens to get the information that I requested so that this troubling pattern of alleged malfeasance at Pop Warner and West Medford Hillside Little League and Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. can be addressed.   If we know about financial problems at 3 Medford entities, it begs the question, how many more non-profits and/or social groups such as these are not being honest with the people funding these businesses?

The comment at the Council last night that TV3 might be "holding something over the head of the Mayor" (paraphrased) - that there might be extortion going on, is not a new one.  People have whispered about the possibility for years - that the former "president" of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc, Francis R. Pilleri, Jr., son of  a former Cambridge cop, might have information that would be damaging to the 26-year incumbent.

Too many people have been hurt by the viciousness of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.  I also am appalled, but not surprised, when Councilor Camuso distances himself from the individual who is now charged with a false bomb threat.  Again Camuso steps in it saying you can't paint the entire TV3 with a broad brush.  The Council rules do not allow for a proper rebuttal - here is the truth:

1)MCC TV3 engaged in conspiracy.  Pilleri put out a "Karl Rove" style agenda, which was to hurt and humiliate the community so that people would be too afraid to ask questions, and the board meetings because, as we've been told by former board members, sessions to plot and plan on the destruction of the critics of the now dissolved corporation

2)Pilleri and his webmaster and the staff and the board of directors were all on the same page, working in concert.   Camuso knows this as he is a co-conspirator.  For Camuso to open his mouth last night and remove all doubt about that, on record, at a council meeting, is just more evidence if the citizens decide to file a Class Action suit.  Let Paul A. Camuso be a co-defendant since there is evidence that Councilor Camuso was not only heavily involved in TV3, he also - magically - got very little criticism and all the air time he wanted.  Quid Pro Quo Paul is exactly what cable TV subscribers were dealt.   Camuso wasn't just attempting to distance TV3 from the individual arrested for a false bomb threat, Camuso was attempting to distance himself from a tainted individual that Camuso was tightly aligned with.

The documents I requested - and paid for - were denied me.  City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley did not do his due diligence.  Now that we know that Century Bank was at least one of the banks used, the Solicitor has a moral obligation to this community to request those documents.  If he doesn't receive them, the Solicitor must audit Frank Pilleri, Ron DeLucia, Harvey Alberg, Art Deluca and the staff of TV3, and must give the information to the police department and the office of the District Attorney.

Key is the salaries MCC TV3 claims they paid a part time worker.  $45,000 or so for a fellow who showed up at 7 PM and left at 9 PM, if he showed up at all, a worker who spent more time harassing people on the internet than facilitating programming, is a huge red flag.  If Solicitor Rumley follows the salaries paid out he will find the smoking gun.   He knows that.  Mark Rumley is a smart man, He is - clearly - not doing his job and we know full well that the Mayor has conspired with the City Solicitor to deny the citizens the public access TV that we pay for.

Access TV could have been operating October 1 to November 5, in time for the election.  RCN broadcast shows for me without a brick and mortar station. I have the knowledge, and Mark Rumley knows I have the knowledge, and the City of Medford willfully and maliciously took our monies and withheld public access so the 26 year incumbent could dictate to the citizens how he wants to run this city.

Elected officials need to do the right thing and get to the bottom of this.  This Mayor accepts no responsibility for West Medford Hillside Little League, Steve Cloutier's failed Pop Warner and MCC TV3, yet the Mayor's cousin was the lawyer for two of the three entities that allegedly cheated the public.

I demand those bank records denied the citizens; financial records, transactions, that were funded by our hard work and payments to cable TV providers.

Mr. Rumley is behaving more like Frank Pilleri every day, and the citizens are damn tired of it.
