Monday, December 2, 2013

the truth about TV3

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You  don't know the hours I had to put in to cleaning up hateful "wordpress" sites these jamokes created on Stephanie Burke - our budget director, Breanna Lungo Koehn, Bob Penta.  "Ugly beasts" - when not even using a name - is nothing compared to the river of hate they have exacted on this community. Since 1979 I've been putting together community-oriented television - shows on animal rescue, authors at places like Bestsellers, Rob Gronkowski talking to high school students, etc.  The people that took control of our resource - including two individuals who post liberally here, do not want a woman doing a trivia show, a senior citizen creating "Golden Memories" - an autistic man doing sports. The autistic man was bullied so that a saxophone player who was sideman to a handful of famous people could do his show; that sax player became a board member.  The board members and staff  bullied a middle-aged couple who are big on the Greeline, they bullied "advisers" to the board, and they bullied until they felt they had sufficiently silenced those individuals.  Then they forced programming like "Dr Rabies" or "Money Managers" or invective like "Spotlight on City Hall" or "The Chumley Report" - negative, vicious, nasty, one-sided hate-programming allowing for NO rebuttal whatsoever. The individuals crying about my deleting their posts censored me for over ten years.  They hit you in the back, from behind, when you aren't looking, then they go on smear campaigns pointing the finger at their victims.  "Ugly beasts" is appropriate in that no names were used. They use my name, I call them out for being creepy, underhanded, hypocritical, and just plain wrong.
There is an agreement in place that I had the police mediate. I also warned the police that with "their" history they would never abide by it.  Even writing the facts here will draw a waterfall of criticism - they believe if you overwhelm their perceived enemy with vitriol - if they have enough "bullies" - be they fake names or even real names ganging up on one individual, that they will succeed in shutting you up. Notice how I didn't use names - but they put my name in the headlines.  Go to 32 Riverside Ave and see NINE posters with my name on them.  Then tell me how to deal with a bunch of lying juveniles who have done this to our community for two decades plus.  There are MANY victims  of those individuals - the only way to stop the invective is to just vanish and not post ANYTHING, no matter how helpful it is to the community.
The individual accused of a false bomb threat lied to the police when he signed an agreement and kept hate videos up about me until his arrest.  That is what it took to stop them from bullying the community. When one got arrested after his wrongful conduct escalated.   There are many of them, there is one of me.  I would much rather publish my rock criticism and reviews, but when a juvenile delinquent shows up at your home at 2 AM blasting his horn night after night after night, or posting nonsense in the window, or violating a COURT agreement AND a police agreement (look at the windows at 32 Riverside Ave as evidence this past weekend) then you'll see why this is no "tit for tat" - they are out for blood and the complete "destruction" of their perceived enemies.  Notice how when I speak at a council meeting the police don't have to be called in; when they come up to the city council they are either dragged out by the police, or the police have to arrive to protect people.  Their attorney got hauled out by the police, the president of their now-dissolved hotbed of hate was hauled out by the police.  And the rest of us, dressing up and politely speaking at the city council, you want to call it "tit for tat."  No sir, we are just looking for the resource we pay for without Arthur Deluca using that resource for himself and telling the Medford Transcript the citizens don't need public access - after he used every aspect of the station that he could for himself.  Now watch the guilty parties throw a waterfall of misinformation in a lame effort to distract readers from the truth about what they did to this community. Spotlight on City Hall, the Chumley Report, or a disabled man pushed aside because some saxophone player wanted to do his show and they felt someone who was once on a stage with Tina Turner more important than some fellow who likes to talk sports.  I can give you dozens of names of victims of the individuals who post the hate here. Dozens. The ugliness that Malden woman forces on the city when what she did at city hall and at 5 High Street was so disreputable it makes your skin crawl.  There is no reasoning with the immature, nasty crew that seeks to destroy your reputation or phone your place of business and harass you. That the Mayor has allowed it for two decades shows what a coward he is - he knows he has to watch his step around those types so he allowed Mark Rumley and Stephanie Burke to be humiliated.   Bottom line is this: Medford has been deprived of debate between candidates, good, clean programming that Winchester and other cities and towns have, because a bunch of bad apples forced "Money Managers" down your throat for about a decade.  They are selfish, abusive and not very logical.  They can't stand it that someone shut down their little private club.  There are about 10 of the evil posters and one writer getting the word out now.  They don't want ANYONE to see the financial records, which is what some of us are requesting behind the scenes. Just look at what they did to Stephanie Burke, Breanna Lungo Koehn and Bob Penta. It's the same bad people coming after me and it is wrong.