Thursday, July 23, 2015

Letter to Mrs. Burke

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405,774 @ 2:40 pm

Note to Stephanie:

I do not talk politics on my radio show. It's a music program.

   However, I am free to discuss Medford politics on the internet, as you know.  I've cleared it with the powers that be and was very upfront about my political activities before joining a board.


The Editor

Dear Mrs. Burke:

Your essay in the Medford Transcript states: "Further, I want to continue to listen to your suggestions to make the city of Medford a better place to live, work and own or develop a business. I will continue to be the qualified candidate that is respectful, informed and will always use a positive approach."

Here are my suggestions:

1)We have no access TV for election 2015.  Why is that?  Are you afraid of citizens having a powerful free speech tool?

2)You personally told me homeland security could possibly give us money for a radio station. As you may know, I was voted onto a board of directors of a local radio station. At our board meeting last night the popular Daniel Hurley was in the next room doing his "Somerville Pundits" show.  Why do other cities and towns enjoy such benefits we pay for while you are making campaign promises with little or no substance?  We have no radio or tv yet this resident put in a proposal to operate a tv station.

3)Ms. Heidi Riccio may be a nice person but what does she know about public access?  The failed "leadership" that doesn't work from McGlynn has devastated access tv, first with McGlynn's allegiance to Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., second - his failure to have an ethical and honest access station up and running in a timely manner.

You aren't listening to us, Mrs. Burke.  The propaganda in Nell Coakley's pages is just that, a newspaper McGlynn has owned for over a decade publishing nonsense, rhetoric from a woman that is the puppet propped up by McGlynn's "Shadow Government" - as Anthony D'Anotnio so eloquently put it - in a letter in the print edition of the Transcript, not online.

The tentacles of McGlynn are far-reaching, and your negative attacks in that press release are vicious, disrespectful, frosted with the hypocrisy noted in your quote above.

Take the City Solicitor for one example.  Allegedly he was a bill collector at Somerville District Court on Thursdays - was that moonlighting while getting paid a huge salary?  Then that little problem with his Sunday job where he used the city e mail, paid for by taxpayers, on a church website.  Does he get paid for that job too?   His law office in back of Paul Donato's State Rep office on Spring St. for his outside work, does that still exist?   Mr. Rumley's little problems (little???) with TV3, including but not limited to his pledge to find the meeting minutes and financial records a year and 2 weeks ago, in the Medford Transcript.

The hypocrisy is stunning, Stephanie.  But hypocrites like to play the game, don't they?  Say one thing while doing another.  Your "voice" that citizens knew at the council has been replaced by the ventriloquist, McGlynn, with his hand up the back of Charlie "Stephanie Muccini-Burke" McCarthy.

Where is our TV station?

This pay to park situation is a joke.  And it is on your watch.   You can call for adjustments, so can the Boston Red Sox, but at the end of the day the Red Sox will finish in last place and the
Muccini-Burke/McGlynn ticket will not have the votes on November 3, Muccini/McGlynn will finally be replaced with a new Administration.

Praise the Lord

Stephanie, there is a "buzz" in the city, and it is for the other guy.