Thursday, July 23, 2015

Mark Crowley in Medford Transcript - City Council Candidate

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    ELECTION 2015: Mark Crowley ramps up second campaign for Medford City Council

“I didn’t have generations of the Crowley family in Medford and all my high school alumni friends to draw from,” he said. “I really just was a new face with a new message.”
And he campaigned accordingly.
“I was relatively unknown in this city,” Crowley said. “I just pounded the pavement. I said, ‘It’s going to be classic, shoe-leather politics.’ I had my battle map in the basement with all my streets highlighted, push pins.”
He spent about eight hours each weekend day knocking on doors all over the city with his iPad in hand for taking notes. If residents weren’t home, he left a handwritten note with his email.
He remembers starting to introduce himself to one resident who stopped him and said, “‘You had me at hello.’”