Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Barry Clemente overusing Connect CTY (Reverse 911)

496,602 @ 10:11 pm

5:08 pm today from Barry Clemente  781 391 6414
Eversource on Reverse 911 Connect CTY

So McGlynn "invites" residents with less than two hours to the City Council meeting to discuss

What a joke. What a terrible mayor.

1:34 pm today 781 391 6414
2nd Barry Clemente overuse of Reverse 911
Kiwanas Club of Medford invites you to
Taste of Italy at Tufts University

30 fine restaurants, $40.00 per person
allegedly giving proceeds to food pantries
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tasteofitalymedford Facebook

This is NOT  an emergency

There was a discussion by Breanna Lungo-Koehn of this overuse of Connect CTY at the City Council on Tuesday night, October 20, 2015.