Monday, October 19, 2015

Caraviello LIED. Says he is "neutral' in Mayoral Election

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Heard this morning

Caraviello allegedly at Burke fundraiser at scoundrel John Granara's American Legion. Friday October 16

Only 100 people shiowed up

Burke bought food for 300 reportedly

City is abuzz over Mr Burke being rude to
Penta family at debate. How boorish

Only ten people said to be at Tempone to see
Phony Stephanie Friday morning

McGlynn allegedly angry that Stephanie crumbled
At Debate - a disaster for a campaign that
Was already faltering

McGlynn looking to steal election now like Tv3 on steroids

Rick Caravliello
Adam Knight
Fred Dello Russo Jr
are obstructionists.

Caraviello and Knight lie.

Dello Russo sucks the money out of your wallet, money that he doesn't need.  He's on overpaid firewall for McGlynn, nothing more.

They are intent on stealing votes.   

Beware election day, November 3.

They can't get in legitimately, we have witnessed them breaking the city council rules, along with Caraviello leaving the council to moonlight and drive a limo.


Medford citizens were ripped off and cheated by Caraviello.

He's an obnoxious blowhard who LIED TO THE POLICE IN A WRITTEN DOCUMENT and who should be in jail.

Crooked Rick Caraviello is a liar and that will be made very clear before election day.