Tuesday, October 20, 2015

McGlynn Influences Medford Transcript

496,069@2:19 pm
496,053@2:10 pm

Outside Influence Of Editor Nell Coakley
Deceives voters.

McGlynn demanding Muccini Burke Endorsement from Weekly Transcript when Escobar-Coakley knows how unpopular Muccini Burke is

She has always been obedient to McGlynn
And it is immoral and wrong

McGlynn is a sick individual leeching off of the
Residents and more desperate with Muccini Burke getting little or no support

How do you know your vote is actually counted????

Under violent ex football player City Clerk Ed Finn whose own paycheck is at stake. Though he will claim that he is under the purview of the council. Do not be fooled

Finn is conflicted