Monday, October 19, 2015

Ryan Burke responds to Editor JV

494,580 @ 12:49 PM

Joe Viglione WHEN WILL DEBATE REPLAY?? To all the voters who believe that Stephanie Burke or Robert M. Penta did well in the debate, please ask City Hall to play the debate repeatedly. Let's get this played on Comcast 22 and Verizon 43 three or four times a day right up to election day. ANY honest Stephanie Burke or Robert Penta supporter would want the same thing,

End of evening Penta was talking to residents, people wouldn't let him go. Wall to wall at Montvale Plaza on October 7; Stephanie reportedly had 10 people at Tempone Manor Oct 16. Audience applause mostly for Penta. Great job by both candidates but only one has the experience. Our new Mayor Bob Penta

The question was who won the debate..... the above might be referring to everything after the debate (minus the applause)
Penta won the debate on substance ...and the fact that he knows how to speak into a microphone. 

How Did Mrs. Burke's event go last night at the American Legion? Couldn't have been worse than the ten people who showed up yesterday morning for the Tempone coffee and donuts disaster, could it?
Ryan, all due respect, but days after the event the buzz around Medford is that along with Robert Penta winning the debate, he totally had the answers and people are now switching from Burke to Penta as the Transcript noted. 

Brian Burke, the candidate's husband, bullied a member or members of Penta's family out of the front row (where there were plenty of seats.) 

Brian Burke also used an unforgivable vulgarity in front of women and seniors. I told him he shouldn't talk like that around women and seniors and the candidate's husband was nasty and rude. Reportedly, Mr. Burke had to go to the back of the auditorium. 

Who won the debate? There is just no contest. 

My friend Stephanie couldn't speak into the microphone, her leg was twitching and she made funny faces. I realize she's your mom and realize you love her. You must realize that she hitched her wagon to McGlynn and went on a a hate campaign besmirching a good man's reputation. That is not a good example to set for her children and your father is being reported to the Committee for Professional Responsibility for Clerks of the Court and to his boss Michael Sullivan for his thug-like tactics and ugly verbal assault on me. It was the Patriots (Penta) beating the Colts (Stephanie) with Brian Burke acting like a Colts thug and making up a story about deflated footballs. The only thing deflated is McGlynn's ego as his last three picks, DeBeneditto, Sciortino and Martha Coakley all went down in humiliating defeats. 

Stephanie should gracefully bow out because of her husband's bad manners.   It would show some integrity.