Friday, January 29, 2016

Woman Beating Cop Allegedly Threatens Senior Citizen, Same Sex Witness

600,612 @ 7:36 am

Voter intimidation

 Stephanie Burke oversaw a case where Sergeant James Lee was allegedly involved in a case of woman beating against a lady that he allegedly was having an affair with. Not his wife.

 Lee allegedly threatened that he has a senior citizen on his "hit list," a witness in a case regarding racism at a 501c3 in the city of Medford, Massachusetts.

Do you think Stephanie Burke would have given that individual, Sgt. James Lee - brother of her predecessor in the office of budget director - a slap on the wrist and let him get off, get away with it, if he did this to her daughter:

Photo taken at hospital, allegedly, by friend of victim

Do you?

They bully in the city of Medford.

What if Sgt. James Lee had an affair with 

Mrs. Burke's daughter and whacked her in the lip?

Take it a step further.  The Medford Police and the Superintendent of Schools have, thus far, failed to report on the sexual misconduct of teachers at Medford High School.

What if Jenna Tarabelsi, who allegedly fled to Italy to avoid prosecution, was caught having sexual relations with Mrs. Burke's son or daughter?

Why were the parents not informed of the Tarabelsi incident in a timely manner?

What about the allegations regarding two male teachers that no one can get a straight answer on?

What if this happened to Mrs. Burke's family?

Would her clerk of courts husband want to hush it up so that he and his wife could raise their status in our community?

The Secretary of the Commonwealth's office is looking into the sick allegations at Medford High School.   Just because one reprobate mayor is gone doesn't mean that Mrs. Burke should give her blessing to Sgt. Jimmy Lee's vicious act of violence against a woman; the alleged woman beater now allegedly making a threat against a same-sex person, a senior citizen, in the same way - allegedly - that Stephen LeBert allegedly terrorized the community...until he was caught on camera.

Police in Medford have such shockingLEE low standards for themselves and such high standards for the innocent victims that they bully.

Jimmy Lee whacked a woman in the lip.

He had not the temperament not to hit her.

And now he allegedly has a hit list, and allegedly he is out to get a senior citizen.  At least this time he chose a man to go after; perhaps he's bored with knocking women around.  We are going to investigate and see who Jimmy Lee associates with and what this witness intimidation tactic by Lee is all about.  Bet you someone is behind this.

 Citizens need to file a class action suit against the city if a conspiracy is uncoverd