Saturday, February 11, 2017


916,247@10:28 pm
916,232 @ 9:43 pm
916,213 @ 9:13 pm
80 hits in 133 minutes!!! on a Saturday night
99 hits in 163 minutes!
114 hits/ 208 minutes

---as a fraud member of the Selectwomen of Medfraud she claims that living in MedFRAUD and being a FRAUD member cancels out her crimes against the citizens. This kind of double-talk by Town Solicitwhore Malark E. Fumbles proves that the fish rots at the head, so Malark E. Fumbles and Stephony Mugenie Witch allow this malfeasance to fester, costing the citizens free parking, free access tv that they pay for (the oxymoron is the symbol of Medfraud with the face of Malark E. Fumbles merged with Big Dick Karavioli as the poster children for illegal activities)
Frederika silenced a gay man and a former Selectmen in violation of the
First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution