Friday, February 17, 2017

Valentine's Night Heartbreak at the City Council!

921,025 @ 4:16 pm

Breaking News

Two city councilors who voted for their own pay raise, wealthy Frederick N. Dello Russo, Jr. and Adam Knight, bolted from the council meeting early.

It seems the two "elected officials" (and we use THAT term loosely) have a crush on an older homosexual gentleman of the same-sex persuasion!

Freddy and Madame were caught outside counsel chambers sobbing like the sissies that they are as the object of their mutual affection was demanding access TV, spurning their affections and issuing a rallying point of information:  MRS BURKE: SEE YOU IN COURT

At least Stephanie appreciates the level playing field, even if she loathes the producer she used to get along with so nicely.   Oh well...friendships come and go but enemies always have each other, Steph!

You've heard the term "Liar, liar pants on fire,' well those two prevaricators, Frederika and Madame, appear to be deeply in love with a persistent access-tv enthusiastic citizen.   

Their thing for older men is obvious and, rumor has it from an unnamed source, outside of Alden Chambers their pants were breathing as well as on fire.  Which is interesting since Mr. Dello Russo's dates are - allegedly - allergic to breathing.

Chief Gilberti ain't touching this one with a ten foot pole, however, rumor has it he has issued a warning to keep Madame and Freddy away from sliding down the fireman's pole...and playing ring around the...oh, never you mind...

Happy Post-Valentine's Day

To Madame and Freddy: How does it feel to want?

The citizens do not like two frauds stepping out on the council meetings when you voted for your own pay raises
