Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Boards and Commissions: Abuse of Power by Stephanie to get votes

1,206,182 @ 9:07 am 


Responding to a real friend, not a phony "colleague," on my Real Medford Mass Politics Facebook page.

John Veneziano may be gone from the Commission. Alex is considered by Stephanie to be a Bob Penta guy, whether it is true or not. 

City Hall discriminates if you aren't in Stephanie's camp. 

She, like McGlynn, uses the boards and commissions to get votes - do you really think a mayor under Plan A government gives a damn what a Michael Marks thinks on a parking commission, or what Yvette Wilks really thinks on a Cable Advisory board?   (Is Yvette in Somerville, Malden or Medford?  Can she even vote in Medford in 2018?)

Please, they just use these boards to "honor" their voters and hope that those voters get their friends to vote.
It's an abuse of power, which is why I put the public records request in. They never want us to really know who they are appointing. 

Open Meeting Law? HA! 

When Paul Camuso violated it about 5, 6 years ago we realized he didn't even know what the Open Meeting Law was. 

Camuso couldn't even remember Kim Scanlon's name, his own attorney as a city councilor "Duh...duh...duh" - he raises his hand up to point her out..."Duh, the Assistant City Solicitor." Good one, Paul. Not. 

"Elected official" doesn't even know the name of one of two lawyers who represent him. 

These are the clueless sheep that work for Stephanie and McGlynn. Creepy, isn't it?  

Stephanie is so flagrant in her abuse of the boards and commissions to "honor" her clueless supporters.  Bet she would even put her own mother into the projects to have her seek votes...oh, wait a minute...she HAS dumped her own mommy dearest into the projects.

That shows you what disdain Muccini-Burke has even for the good woman who raised her.
