Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Detective Mackowski Will Not Be Admitted Into Harvard

1,357,842 @ 1:28 am 6-18-19
If Harvard feels this way:

“behavior that brings into question their honesty, maturity or moral character.”

Then Stephanie Burke can kiss their collective asses and still won't get in.

Mark E. Rumley?  Laughed out of Cambridge

Retired Detective J.J. "lies all the time" McLean ...ha ha ha...he gets the trifecta
..."honesty," "morality," and especially
"moral character"


If they let Mike McGlynn in, so too Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, the Devil...

How about Caraviello?  HA HA...what a joke.


Golden boy?
Neil Osborne?
Rachel Tanenhaus
Mike Ruggiero?

HA HA HA...what a delight...no way!


Kashuv's Axiom
“Throughout its history, Harvard’s faculty has included slave owners, segregationists, bigots and antisemites,” he said. “If Harvard is suggesting that growth isn’t possible and that our past defines our future, then Harvard is an inherently racist institution. But I don’t believe that. I believe that institutions and people can grow.”