Friday, June 28, 2019

This Ought to Really Piss Them Off!

Deanna Devney
Jenn Dever Wood
Mayor's Office
Somewhere in the Marvel Comics Universe
Emphasis on Comics

Hi Ms. Deveney - or maybe the question should go to my pal Paul Donato:

A question -  Chair Jay Campbell gone from the commission?

Cable Advisory Board
Gabrielle Follett Sumney, 1/22/2021 Jack McGoldrick, 1/22/2022
Meetings Thank you to one of our members here on Real Medford Mass Politics on Facebook for pointing this out. \
Think I'll apply for the position...which, of course, I have a snowball's chance in hell of getting, but at least it will make Stephanie Mayor
pause for a moment...ya think?

Ok, Deanna, Top 10 Reasons why Joe Vig Should be the Chair of the Cable Advisory Board

10)My first show was in 1979 and one of my two directors is now a hotshot at Homo Box Office (HBO).  I dub it Homo Box Office because
     not only was he my director, I lived with the guy, but that's a story for another day.   My chances of being on HBO are worse than being on
     Medford Community Media...ha ha...boy, do I have some stories to tell...Such a handsome man back in the day looks like a space alien
     in his old age, so I dodged a bullet there...and he is one of the biggest of the big at HBO, just like Rumley is one of the biggest of the big
     you-know-what's here...they have something in common, and they both know me so well....

9)I give a damn about access TV.   

8)I'm the funniest guy you've ever met...and I'm smart...and articulate sans the Rumley thesaurus

7)With Jay Campbell's head stuck firmly up some mayor's backside nothing got done.   You KNOW that won't happen with moi   !!!!!

6)Here's a rhetorical question: Who has more experience with access television, Joe Vig with 40 years, Jay Campbell with zero?
   If Campbell the novice screwed things up so badly, any idiot could do a decent job.   And this thorn-in-your-side is hardly an idiot!, no matter
   how many times Mark E. "acts like Donald Trump" Rumley wants you to believe it!
5)I will push Chief Buckley's buttons as hard as possible from the Cable Advisory Board, just to see if he can take the heat which, clearly,
   the former chief couldn't and folded under pressure

4)If Buckley does implode, we've got Chief Gilberti to put out the fire

3)Perhaps the best reason Joe V should be the Chair of the Cable Advisory Board is because it is the right thing to do for the ratepayers

2)I will contact the Elections Division of the Sec of State and alert them that I have lifted the Rumley Embargo Censoring Citizens   Mr. Donato will be delighted to come on my show and tell the world it's our most protected right

1)Mrs. Burke wants Partners in Progress.  Well Jay Campbell sure screwed her on that.   Golly Gee Ben Brown Just Did Such a Great Job,
  will you shut up, Jay!   

Breanna Lungo-Koehn thinks people with talent should be given the opportunity.  Wow, what a novel concept.

Count me in!

Joe Vig for Chair of the Cable Advisory Board....and my first order of business, to remove Stephanie Burke as "issuing authority."

I mean, that is, if you want transparency and for access TV to move forward in Medford...

The school kids will be safe, because we will make it a Dr. Rabies Free Zone

Oh, and you can have the damn CORI, with pleasure, since you probably already have 50 copies of it anyway....ha ha

Joe Viglione