Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Sgt. Schultz Interviews Today at New Police Station Behind City Hall

1,357,931 @ 10:38 am

Stephanie tries to turn her wild speculation into questions...

Big question mark on her forehead

*Notice Stephanie atop police station in very revealing Myra Breckinridge garb.  Ugggh....

Interrogator Stephanie: Dr. Mackowski?


Stephanie: Well, that's obvious.  Mr. Rumley?

Mark:  calculating your reaction to three dozen words out of my infamous thesaurus....nothing...

Stephanie: Fat boy Caraviello?

Richard "L.A." Caraviello: Nothing

Stephanie: Is L.A. for Los Angeles

Richard Caraviello: No, lard ass

Stephanie: And you admit it?

Richard: Hey, on 1/31/17 I told a judge and jury that I was one of the Top SOB's in Medford, first time I've ever told the truth

Stephanie: I'm shocked

Caraviello: Actually, I wore it as a badge of honor, have never won anything of significance in my stupid, dumb life.  At my age I'll take what I can get

Stephanie: You are plagiarizing Michael Douglas in Wall Street 2

Caraviello: I know. I've never had an original thought in my entire life

Stephanie: Wow, second time in your life that you've told the truth Mr. On The Fence.

JJ, you're up  next

JJ McLean: Oh I know everything, and I lie more than Caraviello

Stephanie: and you'd have to lose ten or twenty pounds to play Schultz, you're off the list.


George ...eating a dozen donuts: If losing weight gets me the part, Steph, don't worry, McGlynn's bringing me another dozen, pronto