Sunday, January 12, 2020

Complaint Letter to Neil "Will I Still be In Office Next week?" Osborne 11:20 am 1-12-2020

1,518,280 @ 12:22 pm 
1,518,259 @ 11:21 am

Neil Osborne, Esq., Director Diversity & Inclusion

Medford City Hall, Room 214
85 George P. Hassett Drive
Medford, MA 02155
Phone: (781) 393-2501

TO: Diversity Director Osborne

Hello Mr. Osborne,

Citizens spend about "$576.00 a week per councilor.  That's approximately $4,032.00 a week" - 30k a year.  

This letter is about sanity and you not doing the job Muccini-Burke hired you to do.

A couple of years back I filed a number of concerns regarding Adam Knight and Richard Caraviello being rude and disrespectful to senior citizens.  You advised me that it goes "up the food chain" to Stephanie Muccini-Burke, who had a bit of a conflict as those individuals who were harassing multiple seniors and a same-sex woman were "her council."

With a new mayor I want to bring up the issue again and get some relief from the boorish behavior.  With the money citizens spend they deserve to be treated with respect.  

A Bob Maiocco shouldn't threaten to hit a man with reinforcing bar, a dirty old metal pipe, as Maiocco did, with the Chief of Police, Sacco, calling it inappropriate (a threat of violence) but doing nothing.   Fred Dello Russo Jr. seemingly falling asleep, slouching in his chair, and acting sophomoric cast a bad light on the entire council - especially for non-Medford residents viewing on Verizon or showing up to Alden Chambers.  It was a circus.

Indeed, Frederick N. Dello Russo, Jr. was one of the chief offenders, slamming doors when a respected former councilor was speaking, he and Adam Knight seemingly disrespecting a notable resident in his 90s who would pay for exhibits regarding the tax structure, only to be ridiculed by juveniles who think they are city councilors.

As I may have explained to you - they also came after me, but I can defend myself and expose them. 
Others were harmed and deserved YOUR assistance immediately - contemporaneous with when those
events unfolded.

Adam Knight's latest stunt - trying to change council meetings allegedly to benefit his own personal schedule,
is evidence that Mr. Knight's birthday greetings and condolences are designed to help him seek reelection, not to console families or bring a smile.  The majority of residents don't know who Knight is even citing...or why.

I am requesting that you bring my valid complaints filed in your office up to the new mayor and demand that
the city council of Medford start behaving.  The buffoonery from former councilors Maiocco, Camuso and Dello Russo, along with the current stupidity - and stupidity is the perfect word, from Flip Flop Caraviello to motor-mouth Adam Knight, to Zac Bears elected and walking around almost in his pajamas all demean and degrade the city council.

This loss of respect for a body that demands it be called "honorable" is as much a slap in the face to residents as Marian Ryan failing to post a press release on her determination on a quarter of the police force. 

You have to ask the media department at the District Attorney's office for clarification and you'll get one line,
coming up in my next e mail to city hall.

Respectfully I request that you speak with City Clerk Adam Hurtubise about decorum at the city council.
Remember when I filed an Open Meeting Law complaint when Paul Camuso was president of the council?
He was getting the 30 or 32k to be council president, yet he was clueless about the OML.  Why does a citizen have to teach a Paul Camuso on the job?  It's not fair.

Your failure to adhere to YOUR oath of office and job description, Mr. Osborne, was equally unfair.

But that's what you get when you have a cabal instead of city government.  With Breanna in office - hopefully - these covert activities are a thing of the past.

Take Zac Bears to Men's Wearhouse - and this is not a joke - have Adam Knight speak less - have him copy Chief Buckley's methodical slow-motion statements or muzzle the union boy, and - seriously - order Caraviello to take an elocution class and multiple classes on public speaking.  And Mr. Buckley should do what Leo Sacco didn't do: hold councilors responsible when they harass senior citizens and other members of the public.

I am as SERIOUS AS A JUDGE pointing out the flaws of this ugly, do-nothing council, one of the most expensive in the Commonwealth, will little to show the citizens for their annual investment of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars.  It's such a waste of funds we should change the charter, remove the city council, and save a million dollars every five years.  But that's from someone Judge Fitzpatrick calls "an intelligent man," who Judge Lamothe called "very logical" - a fellow the former city solicitor attacked maliciously and persistently.

Given those facts, you see we DO have a cabal in Medford and the new mayor now has an opportunity to flex her muscles and keep Adam Knight in line.  He antagonized her personally for years.

The mayor needs to rein bad actors Knight and Caraviello in. 

Please resurrect my valid complaints and bring them directly to the mayor.

Thank you


Joe Viglione  

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